Israel vaccine injury coverup

Israel Public Health Services Director Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis is at the center of a vaccine safety scandal as internal documents appear to show that she significantly downplayed serious adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine. 

An internal document from Israel’s Health Ministry, which appears to have been revealed for the first time on the twitter account of independent Israeli journalist Michael Rozolio, references an earlier document entitled, “Summary and Recommendation from May 31, 2021.” That May document has never before been disclosed. 

Smoking Gun?

The new document warns medical staff, but not the general public, to bear in mind that, according to the May document, following administration of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine, there is “an increased risk of the development of inflammation of the heart muscle [myocarditis]”. 

This warning, in Hebrew, is circled in red in this image of the document posted to Rozolio’s twitter account:

This new document also reveals 140 cases of hospitalizations for myocarditis within 30 days of the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and another 22 cases within 21 days of the first dose, for a total of 162 post-vaccination cases of myocarditis. These numbers can be seen in the chart above the Hebrew text, in which column and row headings are translated to English.

The great majority of the first and second doses of the vaccine were administered in Israel by the end of March, 2021, as seen in this graph from the Israel Health Ministry, in which first doses are shown in green and second doses in yellow. The daily number of doses indicated on the y-axis and the date is shown on the x-axis (with the format of the day preceding the month).

The Israel Health Ministry, therefore, knew of most of these 162 post-vaccination hospitalizations for myocarditis by May 2021. Rozolio adds that even this number of 162 may be low. He explains that Israel came to the 162 number for vaccine induced myocarditis hospitalizations only after a special Health Ministry committee ruled out additional cases of myocarditis that had been reported following mRNA vaccinations.

Problematic testimony by Israel’s head of Public Health Services

In a discussion before the Advisory Committee of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 17, 2021, several months after her Health Ministry's warning of increased risk of myocarditis after the Pfizer shots, and after most of the 162 cases of post-vaccination myocarditis were discovered, Dr. Elroy-Preis reported that Israel’s vaccine campaign led to just one case of myocarditis after three million people received a third (booster) dose. Elroy-Preis apparently failed to mention the more than 100 confirmed cases that followed the first and second shots. 

This despite the fact that her above-pictured May 2021 warning even went on to break the risk down by age and gender, explaining how the risk was highest for teenage boys and young men, and decreases with increasing age. One case would have had to have been divided up into different age groups and genders to allow for such a conclusion!

Prior doubts about Elroy-Preis’s reliability

Elroy-Preis’s claims are all the more concerning considering that the FDA committee before which she testified was convened specifically to consider Pfizer-BioNTech’s request to amend the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for its vaccine to include children aged 5 to 11.

This prompted the Professional Ethics Front, an independent group of Israeli lawyers, researchers, scientists, and physicians, to publicly challenge the tenability of Elroy-Preis’s testimony even without the benefit of having seen this newly revealed document.

In an urgent “alert” sent to the FDA in advance of their October 26, 2021, Advisory Committee Meeting on Pfizer’s request to expand its vaccine use to young children, the group warned:

“Even more disturbing is the fact that the few reports, which the Israeli Health Ministry does publicize about the AEs observed after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, are not consistent with the testimonies of physicians regarding severe adverse events (SAEs) that they themselves have reported to the MOH. Thus, for example, ... Alroy-Preis claimed that only one case of myocarditis was observed after the 3rd vaccine dose out of three million people who received the 3rd vaccine dose in Israel. This claim does not reconcile with research findings from all over the world, including findings from Israel, that were published in the medical literature, according to which the rate of myocarditis observed after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine stands at 1:3,000-6,000. The claim of Dr. Alroy-Preis also stands in contrast to reports given by a handful of brave Israeli doctors about cases of myocarditis and other SAEs observed in close proximity to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

“One of these physicians, Dr. Yoav Yehezkelli, who was among the founders of the Israeli Outbreak Management Team, wrote on his Facebook page that he personally treated in his clinic a 17-year-old boy, who suffered from myocarditis several days after the 3rd vaccine dose, and he knows of two additional cases among the boy’s classmates. 

Dr. Yehezkelli added that he reported the myocarditis case that he treated (and additional SAEs cases) to the MOH through the online reporting system, as well as via personal reports to MOH officials, but his reports were quickly dismissed as having no link to the vaccine, without a thorough examination of the cases. 

Dr. Yehezkelli also mentioned that he encountered other patients in his clinic, who were hospitalized after suffering from AEs in close proximity to receiving Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines, and the hospital supposedly failed to report said adverse events to the Health Ministry. We have affidavits from nine other physicians, who have also treated cases of myocarditis or know of such cases, but have abandoned their attempts at reporting to the Health Ministry having tackled immense difficulty or, alternatively, reported to the Health Ministry and did not get any response. It is statistically improbable that a small cohort of physicians should witness these (sic) many COVID-19 vaccine injuries if Dr. Alroy-Preis’s claim was accurate.”

Elroy-Preis vs. Elroy-Preis?

In another interesting development following her September 2021 testimony about one myocarditis case, Elroy-Preis herself published a paper on October 6, 2021 in the New England Journal of Medicine seeming to contradict herself. She and her co-authors reported that 142 myocarditis cases “occurred after receipt of the BNT162b2 vaccine; of these cases, 136 diagnoses were definitive or probable.”  [Emphasis added].

The paper went on to conclude that, “The incidence of myocarditis, although low, increased after the receipt of the BNT162b2 vaccine, particularly after the second dose among young male recipients.“ [Emphasis added].

Dismissal of post-vax deaths as coincidental

The Health Ministry documents revealed by Rozolio also put a spotlight on post-vaccination deaths in Israel, which were never before acknowledged. Rozolio considers it significant that the documents list one death in Israel as being caused by the Pfizer mRNA vaccine - a first admission by Israeli officials, even if it was not meant for the general public to learn about it. 

The very same document, though, lists an additional 60 post-vaccination deaths which the Health Ministry dismisses as not being due to the vaccination since they were not “able to establish causation.” Rozolio sarcastically offers to sell two mansions, “one on the moon and the other on ice,” to whomever accepts this assurance. 

Side Effects Yes, Efficacy No?

Compounding matters for Israeli officials, just as vaccine deaths and side effects are making it into the news, casting doubts on the vaccine’s safety, the efficacy of the shot is suddenly in doubt as well. Despite an aggressive vaccination plan that made Israel one of the first nations to vaccinate a majority of its population, Israel today is a world leader in COVID death rates. 

A chart going around the internet shows Israel skyrocketing ahead of other listed nations in Weekly Confirmed COVID-19 Deaths per Million People. This as Israel’s fourth dose (second booster) campaign is well underway and even as health officials continue to tout the mRNA vaccine as both “safe and effective.”