Israel pivots towards COVID boosters every 3 months

Israel’s Coronavirus Commissar Professor Salman Zarka was quoted saying: "The best way to protect ourselves is to get vaccinated. Whoever has received a shot within the last three months is better protected from developing a serious disease. Almost 650,000 Israelis have already received the fourth shot and increased the protection over their health. We have not come across new side effects."

Follow the science?

While calling on Israelis to ensure that they are no more than 3 months since their last booster, Professor Zarka did not address the lack of efficacy for the fourth shot found in a study by Israel’s only hospital to make the world’s top ten hospital list, Sheba Hospital in Tel Aviv. The hospital reported that, “preliminary research indicates a fourth dose of the coronavirus vaccine provides only limited defense against the omicron variant that is raging around the world.”

The hospital conceded that the additional jab “did not prevent the spread of omicron.” [Emphasis added].

ABC News added that these, “preliminary results raised questions about Israel's decision to offer a second booster shot — and fourth overall — to its over-60 population.”

Notably, Israel's extremely aggressive vaccine campaign, supported by taxpayer funded advertising blitzes, free shots and testing of one-third of the population every week, and privileges for vaccine passport holders, has seen Israel’s daily cases skyrocket since its mass vaccination program began in December 2020, as seen in the graph below.

Are vaccines the only treatment?

Zarka, who specializes in public health and public administration, also failed to discuss prophylactic or post-infection treatment options to reduce the severity of COVID. America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), in contrast, has long posted a series of treatment protocols, including Dr. Simone Gold’s Prophylactic HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) Protocol, Dr. Teryn Clark’s Wellness Protocol, the Preventative and Early Treatment Protocols of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons  and the well known Zelenko Protocol. 

The AFLDS site also provides a step-by-step guide to acquiring HCQ as well as a useful flowchart from an outpatient COVID treatment study in the The American Journal of Medicine.