Israel health officials concerned FDA vaccine investigation may ‘stress out public’

Israel health officials who led the worldwide charge for lockdowns and vaccine mandates are concerned that the FDA’s investigation into vaccine-induced strokes will undermine confidence in the vaccine. 

The FDA and CDC announced in a joint statement Friday that data from the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) has flagged a “possible” connection between the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and ischemic strokes in older people. 

“Following the availability and use of the updated (bivalent) COVID-19 vaccines, CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent,” said the agencies. 

The data suggest that people 65 and older vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine are more likely to suffer an ischemic stroke within the 21 days following the shot compared with 22-44 days following injection. 

While the FDA and CDC insisted “it is very unlikely” that there is a “true clinical risk”, they also said “it is important to share this information with the public.” 

But Israel’s biosecurity apparatus, known for routinely concealing COVID-19 data from the public, frowned upon any investigation into the vaccine’s adverse events and continued to promote the injections. 

"At this stage there is no reason for concern and there is no need to lower confidence regarding the safety of the vaccine that covers the new strains," said Sheba Tel Hashomer Medical Center’s Infection Prevention and Control Unit Director Professor Gili Regev-Yochai. "Those who need the vaccine should certainly take it, and I will also be vaccinated in the coming weeks before traveling abroad. On the other hand, those who have recovered from corona in the last six months do not need to go and get vaccinated again because there is no need and they are still protected.” 

Israel’s Health Ministry recently touted a study which found no connection between the vaccine and cardiac events or strokes. However, the ministry admittedly studied only those who were vaccinated, all of whom suffered strokes or cardiac events post-injection. The ministry refused to release the study except via FOIA request. 

Sheba Medical Center’s Infectious Disease Unit’s Professor Galia Rahav scorned the idea of transparency regarding the vaccine which she said may “stress out the public”. 

"In the effort to be too transparent, sometimes reports come out that stress the public. The FDA's finding concerns cases of ischemic stroke 21 days after the vaccine compared to 22 to 44 days after the vaccine. There are at least Five very serious sources who did not find a connection,” said Rahav. 

Rahav is Israel’s “Lockdown Lady.” a government advisor and media COVID regular who was instrumental in the heavy-handed lockdowns imposed on Israeli citizens. Last year Rahav was still asking for more lockdowns.  

The hospital chief also heavily pushed child vaccines and masks. She holds no love for the unvaccinated, whom she refers to as “parasites”.  

Rahav, who received almost no media coverage prior to the pandemic, rose to fame by pushing for mandates.