Israel Health Ministry: Rare flood destroys records, biological materials

Israel’s Health Ministry Tuesday shut down its central laboratories due to a sudden three-day flood reportedly caused by a burst pipe. The flood is the first of its kind in the building’s 25-year history.

The labs, located in Jerusalem, are responsible for drug approval, infectious disease-related testing, and detecting outbreaks. 

“All laboratory information is collected with the aim of creating databases and tracking trends in morbidity and resistance to antibiotics, detecting outbreaks, and early detection of an increase in new and emerging pathogens,” explains the Health Ministry on its website.

According to Israeli media, the flooding has persisted for three days and penetrated all eight floors of the building. It has damaged biological materials — including pathogens — drugs, computers and documents. Israeli officials have said it will take “a lot of time” to reopen the labs.

Israel’s Health Ministry was the world’s first governmental health agency to sign a contract with Pfizer for the COVID-19 vaccines. If any testing of the experimental serum was conducted by Israeli health officials, it would have been performed in the now-flooded laboratories, which would also contain any related records.

Social media users have expressed skepticism about the flood, suggesting the Health Ministry would have sufficient motivation for self-sabotage.

The flooding comes just days after claims by the Health Ministry that it has no record of any young, healthy Israelis dying from COVID-19, surprising even billionaire Elon Musk. Musk’s surprise likely stems from the fact that young, healthy people were not spared from Israel’s harsh vaccine mandates.

But while that population did not die from COVID-19, its members are dying from the COVID-19 shots they were forced to take, studies strongly suggest

study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) last year found that the advent of the COVID-19 vaccine is correlated to a 25% increase in cardiovascular events among Israelis aged 16– 39. 

It has also become known that the Health Ministry suppressed and manipulated vital vaccine injury data ahead of its decision to vaccinate 5–11-year-old children.

Furthermore, the Health Ministry has become known for its perfunctory efforts to conceal and remove records and data related to the pandemic.

Last year, the ministry’s COVID-19 statistics “dashboard,” accessible to the public, began showing that those injected with the COVID-19 shots were contracting COVID-19 at a higher rate than those who remained unvaccinated. When this became apparent, the ministry simply altered the numbers.

When a Jerusalem District Court ordered the Health Ministry to produce various COVID-19 data on morbidity and mortality, the ministry simply refused to produce the data as requested.

And last year, when a judge ordered the ministry to produce its signed agreement with Pfizer, Health Ministry officials told the court it had lost the contract and it probably had not been signed anyway. The ministry found the contract a day after news media began making inquiries and apologized for its earlier statements.