Israel Health Ministry convinced world to trust COVID jabs: Analysis

Israel's Health Ministry hid children's COVID “vaccine” injuries from Israeli citizens while using taxes paid by those same citizens to flood media with advertisements pressuring the populace to drop resistance to vaccine mandates and take one of the 36 million taxpayer funded jabs

That campaign encouraged many outside Israel to receive the mRNA injections. The Honorable Sam Rohrer, a former legislator and the current president of American Pastors Network, commented on the extensive reach of Israel's vaccine campaign in an exclusive interview with Frontline News.

Many Americans who were wary of the new mRNA injections decided to trust the shot after hearing that Israel was giving the shot to its citizens. After the Holocaust, no one could imagine Jews harming other Jews.

Rabbi Dovid Smith, who represents vaccine mandate victims in his legal practice, agrees, providing this exclusive statement to Frontline News:

One of the most debilitating lies of our generation is that the Government of Israel would never do something to harm the Jewish People, since its purported purpose is to protect the Jews from the dangers of an allegedly hostile world. This lie lulls Jew and non-Jew alike into the false sense of security that if the Government of Israel is involved all must be well for the Jews.  

Rabbi Smith argues that the evidence paints a very different picture than the accepted understanding of an Israeli government providing safe refuge for Jews.

This mirage persists in the face of persistent and overwhelming evidence to the contrary — repeated military concessions and defeats, betrayal of pro-Jewish [Israeli] Arabs, subversion against observant Jews and those who treat the Holy Land as Holy, an insidious campaign by the medical establishment to deter Jewish couples from having more children, measures, often clandestine, to reduce or prevent reproduction among Ethiopian Jews and Bedouin Arabs, allowing the PA to create the image that local Arabs are hostile [by allowing the PA a free hand to order Arab students to throw stones at Israeli soldiers while threatening Arab adults not to speak positively to journalists about Israel], funding and supporting Marxist revolutionaries masquerading as Muslim clerics, abandoning its borders to hostile armies, funding and training of terrorist groups and now police and armies.  

Smith adds that these actions were in violation of Biblical commandments. 

The Lubavitcher Rebbe said in 1991 that the Government of Israel was warring against G-d and against the Torah by merely considering going to an international ‘peace’ conference to merely discuss surrendering land to Marxist terrorists. And subsequently the Government of Israel actually created terrorist land bases. 

He then ties in the rollout of the mRNA injections to the perception of the nation.

Within this context, we can better understand the war against Jews and Arabs conducted by the Government of Israel is destroying Jewish life in 2020 [by closing houses of worship during lockdowns], co-opting religious leaders into being trusted influencers on behalf of the Government, quashing [medical] dissent often violently, and then bullying the majority of people into taking the genetic code injection.  But in the world of the mirage, Jews and non-Jews could not imagine Jews harming other Jews and so the Government of Israel's actions became like a seal of acceptability to Jews and non-Jews around the world.

Israeli Jews have a far higher jab rate, and thus vaccine injury rate, than Israeli Arabs. Assuming harm from the shots outweighs any possible benefit, the heads of government pushing the injections are not acting to protect the Jewish population. As Rabbi Smith states, this is not the only policy of Israel's government that endangers its Jewish and Arab citizens alike.

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