Israel Health Ministry attacks Dr Robert Malone - Analysis

By: David Heller

Last week Dr. Robert Malone issued a brief statement with an accompanying video where he offers parents his recommendation not to give the COVID shots to their children. His statement stressed three main objections; first, the genetic material being injected causes the body to produce spike proteins that are toxic and can damage critical organs. Secondly, the new technology has not been adequately tested. And lastly, the risk of the virus to a child is very small and that unvaccinated children pose no danger to older family members.

This virologist, who himself is vaccinated against COVID, and spent much of his professional life developing vaccines, has adequate credentials to render his opinion significant. Perhaps that’s why the medical establishment turned its sights on him. Last week it was Israel’s Ministry of Health, who published a response to Dr, Malone on their Facebook page authored by Erez Gerty of the Davidson Institute.

The article starts with describing Malone as one who has spread “lies since the beginning of the pandemic” and the video he just released was “false”. Aside from the personal attacks on Malone’s experience and reputation, the article presents several objections to Malone’s statements including; that millions have been injected without any increase in mortality in those who were vaccinated. The list of irreversible damage that Malone claims are without evidence and “fake”. The article claims that Malone said that the vaccine increases the damage that might occur with a future infection. The new technology is safe since it has been through clinical trials and injected into millions of people. Long-term damage is not a concern since there are no long-term side effects from other vaccines, and the adverse reactions from vaccines are rare are quickly identified. 

The first point, that the vaccine has been injected into millions of people and there has been no increase in mortality, is not entirely accurate. One study compared excess mortality between states in Germany based on their vaccination rates and concluded that states that had higher vaccination rates, had greater excess mortality. While this doesn’t conclude that vaccination causes more deaths, it does show a correlation where we would have expected the opposite to occur - namely that vaccination would reduce excess mortality. Germany and UK have both reported significant increases in cardiac emergencies following mass vaccination. Since England and Wales started vaccinating children, there has been a 54% rise in deaths among male children compared to the same period in 2020.   

Dr. Malone in his statement to parents mentioned several adverse reactions that can cause permanent damage including the neurological, cardiovascular, reproductive, and immune systems. To all of these, the Ministry of Health said there is no evidence and that these claims are fake. There are adverse-event reporting systems set up for exactly this reason, to identify possible adverse reactions so medical authorities can respond, in the U.S. there is VAERS, Europe has EudraVigilance, and so on. Unfortunately, Israel, being the test case for the new vaccines could have set up a solid reporting system, but instead, it set up a system that is fraught with perils. Despite this, hundreds of Israelis have given video testimony, describing their adverse reactions after vaccination. 

Some of the data from the VARES database has been presented in a more user-friendly site called where one can find reports of adverse reactions. While these reports do not establish a causal relationship between the vaccine and the adverse reaction, they can help as an early warning system so researchers can take a closer look. All of the adverse reactions that Dr. Malone warned about appear in the VAERS system including over 33 thousand permanent disabilities, over 10 thousand heart attacks, over three-thousand miscarriages, and the most permanent of all adverse reactions - the over 20 thousand deaths. Reports of deaths suspected to be from the COVID vaccines are now more than all the deaths from all vaccines in the last 31 years - combined.

The article posted by the Health Ministry attributes to Dr. Malone a claim that the vaccine can actually reduce one’s protection against future COVID infection. This does not appear in his statement. But since the author brought it up, data from the U.K suggests that is what’s been occurring over the last few months; the vaccinated are getting infected at a higher rate than the unvaccinated.

The final point made by the article is that adverse reactions appear quickly after injection and since historically vaccines don’t produce adverse reactions, in the long run, there is no need for further delay. While that might be true of traditional vaccines, as the article itself pointed out, these vaccines use a brand new technology. Even if we ignore that distinction, traditional vaccinations do have a history of being withdrawn after having been brought to market. Three notable examples are the Dengue vaccine which was pulled off the market after one year, as was Rotavirus vaccine, reminder, the COVID vaccine for kids has not yet even been approved (only EUA). The CDC concluded that the Rotavirus vaccine increased intussusception by about 1-2 cases per 10,000 babies, yet the vaccine was pulled from the market despite the fact that officials stated that “no firm link had been drawn between the vaccine and the children's illnesses”. The third example was the famous 1976 swine flu vaccine was pulled from the market after 500 people contracted Guillain-Barre syndrome, and was associated with 25 deaths out of 43 million doses (1 in 17 million). With the current COVID vaccine, there are reports of over 9,000 deaths that are suspected of being caused by the vaccine in the US alone. Doctor Malone is suggesting that some more time needs to be given to see what if any connection there is between the vaccine and the record adverse reactions before vaccinating the lowest-risk populations. Even with the additional five years, it would still be the fastest vaccine to come to be approved. 

That’s one approach, or we can take the approach of Dr. Orly Weinstein, Clalit Deputy Director and Hospitals Division Chief who, at the start of the vaccination campaign, was asked about long-term effects, said; “the long-term [effects] will be tested, you know, on people who have been vaccinated. This is a disadvantage that we all took into account.”

Worthy to note that England’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) stated in September “that the health benefits from vaccination are marginally greater than the potential known harms. However, the margin of benefit is considered too small to support universal vaccination of healthy 12 to 15-year-olds at this time.” Despite their advice, the vaccine was subsequently approved for that age group. Israel’s Public Emergency Council for Covid (PECC), a group of some 20 medical and science professionals, also opposes COVID shots for kids, just recently issued a strong statement explaining why.

Dr. Malone’s role in the development of the mRNA technology, that the COVID vaccines are based on, was well documented in a Wikipedia post; “The first mRNA vaccine experiments were carried out by P. Felgner, J. Wolff, G. Rhodes, R.W. Malone, and D. Carson. P. They completed a number of mRNA vaccination studies that resulted in nine patients on mRNA vaccination with a shared priority date of March 21, 1989.”  Later, once Dr. Malone started speaking out against the mainstream narrative, Wikipedia changed its page and removed  Dr. Malone’s contributions. His name can still be found on the patent documents. It should be very concerning to read a post published by the ministry of “heath” attacking a physician who helped create the very technology they are advocating for, while at the same time ignoring his well-documented concerns.

With contributions by Avi Abelow

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