Israel Defense Forces embraces gender disorientation in globalist swerve

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF), widely considered the world’s most skilled military, appears to have adopted a globalist stance with its gender disorientation agenda that many fear may erode the military’s legendary prowess. 

According to a Tuesday report by Israel National News, the IDF brass is refusing to accommodate male soldiers stationed near the Gaza Strip who feel uncomfortable sharing quarters with the Gaza Division’s newest member: a female who says she is male. 

The disoriented soldier has been awarded special privileges by the IDF such as her own room and an hour per day when the barracks’ facilities – such as the toilet and shower – are for her use exclusively. 

It is unclear why the soldier gets private facilities if she is recognized as male, or why she is quartered with males if she is recognized as female. 

Many soldiers have expressed discomfort at having a female live within the men’s barracks, which has already led to compromising situations. 

"One of my friends was walking around in his underclothes inside the barracks and suddenly ran into her," a soldier in the battalion said in a conversation with his family members, according to Israel National News. "Embarrassing and disturbing situations have arisen. The rabbi says he is doing what he can.” 

The soldiers did indeed try appealing to their rabbis, but they fear that the IDF brass has made its decision. The IDF Gaza Division rabbi has related that the gender-disoriented soldier’s wishes are to be respected, even at the expense of morale and camaraderie. 

"I tried to talk to the rabbis from the yeshiva," he added. "They're trying to help, but they haven't been successful so far, perhaps because the orders have to come from within the army. There are many other guys who are bothered by this too and I hope the army finds a solution." 

The Gaza Division's esprit de corps appears to be eroding, with some soldiers refusing to sleep within the same compound as the female. 

Israel’s knee-bending to wokeism follows that of the United States, which has mandated gender dysphoria training for all U.S. Army personnel. The U.S. Army has also released recruitment videos emphasizing the importance of same-sex attraction while omitting any visuals of weaponry. Recruitment ads from other countries – particularly Russia and China – show the United States Army at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to virility and raw power.   

Accounts of the IDF sacrificing its soldiers for a globalist cause began last year, when troubling reports surfaced regarding the military’s harsh vaccination enforcement. 

In some instances, soldiers were forbidden from participating in training exercises if they were not vaccinated. In one incident, a senior commander decided that a soldier would not take part in a command and leadership training course simply because she was not vaccinated, even though she agreed to submit to regular COVID-19 testing. Others were prohibited from going on scheduled leave, and many were isolated against operational guidelines.