Israel deep state assumes ‘alarm’ posture

Israel’s unelected military chief, Aviv Kohavi, has mounted a campaign to prevent the leaders of Israel’s third largest political party from choosing the military leaders and determining police policy in Judea and Samariaon the west bank of the Jordan River. 

Deep state vs. Arabs and Jews

The area in question was liberated by Israel in 1967, but in 1994 Israel’s deep state actors brought 10,000 members of the socialist PLO from Tunisia into the territory and provided them with arms, money and land, despite the PLO’s history of terrorizing and killing Arabs and Jews alike. 

Deep state vs. democracy

Nearly three decades later, Israel’s deep state is working to block a potential hardline approach to the PLO leaders, a policy shift which could lead to the PLO’s ouster and replacement with a government less threatening to the local Arab population and less likely to pressure Jewish Israelis into risky concessions. Israeli media reported on the pressure to halt a transfer of power to the nation’s elected representatives, who support such an approach. 

In [a] rare call, IDF chief presses Netanyahu over plan to put MKs [Members of Parliament] in chain of command. . . . The phone call last week represented an extremely rare instance of a military chief wading directly into political machinations, underlining the tenor of alarm in a number of Israeli institutions regarding planned reforms. . . . The Israel Defense Forces confirmed the talks took place . . .  to “alleviate concerns.”  [Emphases added].

IDF leaders, who are generally Leftist despite the strong religiosity and conservative views of rank and file soldiers, share a “deep concern” that some units may not continue to be “subordinate” to them.

Kohavi also reportedly brought up plans for [a party leader] to take control of the West Bank Border Police, as part of his promised role as minister in charge of police. The unit is currently subordinate to the army and Defense Ministry. The IDF . . . reportedly expressed “deep concern” about such activities . . .   [Emphases added].

Deep state winning

The IDF claimed to have already found success in its campaign. 

During the conversation, it was agreed upon that decisions that are tied to the IDF will be made only after the IDF presents the consequences and significance of such decisions.

More deep state victories

Many Jews and Gentiles alike would be stunned to learn of the Israeli government’s role in “flipping” Iran’s leadership from Israel supporters to Israel’s number one threat. 

A voice for stability within the Middle East itself, [the Shah] favored peace with Israel and supplied the beleaguered state with oil. [Nonetheless,] within Iran “the Voice of America, the Voice of Israel and, especially, the BBC virtually became the voice of the revolution, moving from criticism, to overt incitement of revolt, and from biased reporting, to outright disinformation.” Khomeini’s inflammatory speeches were broadcast; revolutionary songs aired on Iranian radio.  [Emphases added].

All three radio stations inciting the Iranian public to overthrow the pro-Israel, pro-West Shah and replace him with the anti-Israel, anti-West Khomeini are government owned propaganda outlets, belonging to America, Israel and Great Britain respectively. Yet, the citizens of the US and UK, and even more so of Israel, had nothing to gain by replacing the Shah with leaders who regularly burn the American flag and vow to carry out the “total destruction of Israel.”

Deep state coverage

Check back to learn how Israel’s deep state got Israelis to take the mRNA injections and encouraged the rest of the world to follow suit. And read our articles on America’s deep state.

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