Israel affronted by WHO after surrendering sovereignty to globalist body

Israel’s Health Ministry is indignant at another condemnation from the World Health Organization (WHO), which this time criticized Israel for warning Gaza hospitals to evacuate ahead of Israeli airstrikes.

Many Israelis have long criticized the government’s practice of preemptively warning its enemies in a bid to bill the IDF as “the most moral army in the world.” Critics say the strategy is ineffective at subduing the enemy, as evidenced by the annual rocket barrages from Gaza Israeli civilians are forced to endure.

Nevertheless, the WHO “strongly condemned” Israel Saturday for warning Gaza hospitals to evacuate ahead of the airstrikes.

“As the United Nation’s agency responsible for public health, the World Health Organization (WHO) strongly condemns Israel's repeated orders for the evacuation of 22 hospitals treating more than 2000 inpatients in northern Gaza. The forced evacuation of patients and health workers will further worsen the current humanitarian and public health catastrophe,” the WHO said in a statement.

Outraged, Israel’s Health Ministry issued a blistering response, expressing “its profound disappointment in the World Health Organization’s response to Israeli efforts to reduce the risk to civilian life in the conflict zone and to its response to Hamas atrocities and crimes against humanities.”

“We lament the WHO’s neglect of the atrocities that continue to be perpetrated by Hamas,” the ministry concluded.

The Israel government’s indignation comes as it works to further surrender its sovereignty to the WHO despite the organization’s abject disdain for the country.

Last month Israel Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan led negotiations for a pandemic declaration which recognizes the WHO as “the directing and coordinating authority on international health.” In the declaration, which was signed at the UN General Assembly last month, member states also agreed to continue funding the WHO and abide by its International Health Regulations.

The declaration also enjoins member states to agree to a pandemic treaty which will further cement the WHO as the overarching authority on public health. For example, the WHO will be authorized to unilaterally declare pandemics, including “climate pandemics.” Israel not only helped negotiate the draft of the treaty, but asked for it in the first place.

In the meantime, the WHO has been using its health agenda to enforce the UN’s Israel policy objectives.

In May, for example, Israel was the only country singled out at the 75th World Health Assembly in Geneva for “violating health rights” after claims that Israeli soldiers and civilians systematically abuse Palestinian Authority (PA) children. The operative claimed this “wanton abuse” negatively affects the children’s mental health.

On Tuesday the WHO again issued a condemnation in which it blamed Israel for bombing a Gaza hospital, killing 500 civilians. Subsequent footage, however, shows the hospital intact, with only its parking lot destroyed. Furthermore, the destruction was caused not by an Israeli bomb, but by a failed rocket launch within Gaza, originally intended to hit Israeli civilians. Israel denied any involvement.

Here is Israel's TV Channel 12 with footage showing the missile originated in Gaza.

Israel’s outrage is expected to continue, along with its submission to the WHO.