Infectious disease expert refuses to tell parliament whether Covid vaccine linked to increased severe West Nile Virus cases

Is the question irrelevant when you're afraid to answer?

Has society learned to accept the unacceptable, to allow serious questions, even provocative ones, to be dismissed with disdain? During a session in the Israeli parliament (Knesset) a prominent doctor of infectious diseases refused to answer a parliamentarian's question about a possible association between severe disease and the COVID vaccine. The session was convened to discuss the increase in West Nile Virus cases this season and the several deaths attributed to it.

Thoughtful questions met with disdain

Member of the Knesset Limor Sun Har-Melech had some pointed questions for the doctors testifying before the legislative body. She read that the diagnoses of West Nile Virus had not been confirmed and wondered if the diagnoses were correct and the possibility that those most severely affected were vaccinated for COVID, as reported by YNet.

MK [Member of the Knesset] Limor Sun Har-Melech asked: "How do you test, what is the test and identification procedure?" How does the medical team confirm that it is indeed Nile fever? I saw articles that there is still no final confirmation that it is this disease. They talked about seven people who died from the disease, so I would love to hear how they check and if there is confirmation that it is surely related to the disease. We know that the age of injury is over 60. How can you make sure that they have not died of other underlying diseases? I have a somewhat provocative question: in the critical cases that reacted severely to the disease, were they vaccinated, and did you check it at all."

Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit and Deputy Director of the Infectious Diseases Unit in Ichilov Hospital, Dr.Yael Faran responded:

We are the first hospital to identify and report to the Ministry of Health. There has never been anything like this before and I have been in Ichilov for more than 20 years. We did not check if they were vaccinated against Corona and that is irrelevant. We have six people ventilated in serious condition, which is clearly the disease that caused their condition to deteriorate.

Why it is irrelevant and how she is sure, Dr. Faran did not explain. But Dr. Faran's dismissive answer does not mean that MK Har-Melech's questions are not valid. On the contrary, they are critical.

What we do know

Almost 100% of people who died from COVID had comorbidities

ACDIS (the Association of Clinical Documentation Integrity Specialists) reported on the CDC's finding that 94% of people who died from COVID-19 had multiple comorbidities and noted that, regarding the other 6%, comorbidities can often be missed.

The high instances of comorbidities and additional causes of death illustrate the complications associated with COVID-19 that can increase a patient’s risk of mortality. The 6% who had just COVID-19 as a cause of death, it can be assumed, had no other complications such as renal failure or respiratory arrest—though CDI professionals know that complicating conditions can go un- or under-documented.

A study out of India reported that 96% of 2,000 COVID-19 deaths in one of its states had comorbidities. They performed the survey to "study survival patterns."

COVID vaccines negatively affect immune system

The association between increased viral illness and the COVID-19 vaccine suggested by Har-Melech may have been provocative, but not without merit.

Research shows vaccines impair the immune system

Researchers found the vaccine impaired one's ability to control infections. A 2022 paper, by Stephanie Senneff, et al, published in the journal Food Chemical Toxicology, reviews the many ways  COVID-19 mRNA vaccines impair numerous biological processes, including infection control. The authors detailed how that happens in the diagram below (red arrows added), and explained in the introduction that they are exploring,

. . .  the scientific literature suggesting that vaccination with an mRNA vaccine initiates a set of biological events that are not only different from that induced by infection but are in several ways demonstrably counterproductive to both short- and long-term immune competence and normal cellular function. These vaccinations have now been shown to downregulate critical pathways related to cancer surveillance, infection control, and cellular homeostasis. 

All-cause mortality increase after COVID vaccination

A study by Italian researchers found that all-cause mortality increased for individuals who had two or more vaccine doses in relationship to the unvaccinated control group.

Discombobulates your genetic system

Harvard educated law professor Dr. Francis Boyle who drafted the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act of 1989, provided an affidavit stating that COVID-19 mRNA injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction that he presented in Florida. In an interview with Vigilant News, Boyle stated that the COVID mRNA vaccines can affect one's entire genetic system leading to death and disability.

mRNA is very powerful stuff to inject into your body . . . it could discombobulate your entire genetic system.”
Well, that is what is happening now,” . . . as evidenced by “an explosion of sudden deaths and disabilities.”

Is this even the right discussion to have?

Dr. Faran did not say they have a definitive diagnosis for the individuals with severe illness and the seven deaths being attributed to West Nile Virus, which begs the question - are they even discussing the correct problem?

The questions are not irrelevant and deserve thoughtful and well-studied answers. Maybe Dr. Faran is afraid to find out, but the Israeli people and the world deserve the truth.

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