Internet ruthlessly mocks congressman for gun control tweet

The internet has spoken, and it is not happy with Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA). 

In a politically charged tweet, Swalwell used the recent Buffalo mass shooting, in which a man killed ten people and wounded three, to call for gun bans. 

“My 4-year-old just FaceTimed to ask what I’m doing to ‘help the people in Buffalo’ and ‘why did the bad man do this?’ Absolutely gutting. This cannot be his normal. It’s time to BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS. #EndGunViolence,” the congressman tweeted. 

The response from social media users was swift, with some pointing out that assault weapons are already banned in Buffalo. 

“They're already banned in NY. You know....where Buffalo is,” wrote one user. 

But most users expressed their skepticism that Swalwell’s vignette even happened. 

“Eric, I like you, but even I'm putting this in the ‘things that didn't happen’ pile. This isn't 4 year old behavior. Cartoons are where it's at for kids that age,” wrote one. 

Many others used sarcasm to convey their skepticism. 

“My newborn, upon exiting the womb, looked up at me with her barely-open eyes and asked why politicians feel the need to create fictional stories about their offspring to make bad points,” wrote author and podcast host Allie Beth Stuckey. 

“My 3-year-old just FaceTimed me to ask me ‘why are you using me in made-up cringe tweets to get likes instead of, I don’t know, doing your g**damn job to stop the genuinely terrible things that you’re pretending I’m expressing concern about.’ Absolutely gutting.” 

“My 4 year old just whatsapped me pictures she took while installing our new hot water heater. She asked if the 220 line can be spliced into the old line or if she should run a new one to the fuse box. Before I responded she got on a tangit [sic] about Biden's manufactured energy crisis.” 

“My 4-year-old just FaceTimed to tell me he saw a spider, that he loves his mama, and that he wanted me to buy more juice. Because he’s a normal kid and I don’t park him in front of the skewed media all day because I don’t need the weight of the world on his shoulders just yet...” tweeted Oklahoma politician Todd Hagopian. 

“In the middle of enjoying her after-dinner all-natural watermelon fruit bar popsicle, my 5-year-old leaned back in her chair, looked me dead in the eye and asked, ‘What will we ever do to escape this inflationary spiral in which this country currently finds itself.’ I’m shook AF.” 

"My 5-year old just FaceTimed to ask, ‘why would the bad man let his 4-year old watch news about a mass murder incident?’ Absolutely gutted." wrote former Trump Georgia State Director Seth Weathers.

Swalwell is most famously known for loudly flatulating during a live MSNBC interview (which created the hashtag #FartGate and even some merchandise), and being romantically entangled with a Chinese spy. 

The Chinese Communist Party operative, named Christine Fang or Fang Fang, bedded Swalwell while he was a councilman and helped him get re-elected to his current post through fundraising. 

This led to some related responses, though some were too crude to include in this article. 

“My 4-year-old FaceTimed me to ask why US representatives who sleep with Chinese spies aren't held accountable. Absolutely gutting. This cannot be normal but it is because there are no consequences anymore for the powerful in this nation. #EndSexWithChineseSpies,” wrote podcast host Keith Malinak. 

“My 6 month old started a zoom call with me and asked ‘How can a member of congress bang a Chinese spy and still be on the intelligence committee?’ It was heartwrenching to have to tell him you get away with that stuff if you are a liberal.” wrote another user.