India: Doctors report many catching virus after first dose, creating 'silent spreaders'

Doctors and scientists in India report several instances of vaccine recipients developing symptoms within days of vaccination, reports the Times of India, raising concerns that the vaccinated population may become silent carriers and infect others.

A paper published in ScienceDirect discussing antibody-dependent enhancement entitled What are the roles of antibodies versus a durable, high quality T-cell response in protective immunity against SARS-CoV-2? may explain why COVID-19 shots may increase deaths when faced with the wild virus: "Antibodies can worsen disease in coronavirus infection in animals & possibly humans.. Subneutralizing antibodies can promote viral entry into cells."

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata (IISER Kolkata) Virologist Amirul Mallick said: “Antibody response reaches the peak around 14 days after the first dose. This will subside eventually unless a booster or second dose is given, which provides us with a longer and heightened antibody response to protect us from subsequent infection. Although we do not have sufficient data to answer this, given that there is a gap of 28 days between the two shots, one has to be very careful, not only for oneself but also for others.”

Former senior Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics professor Sangam Banerjee was quoted by TOI saying imperfect vaccinal antibodies that are unable to combat a mutated virus can turn recipients into asymptomatic spreaders and infect non-immunized segments of the population.

Monotti Protocol Producer Robin Monotti Graziadei responded to the report, saying: "We are seeing a textbook case of mass vaccine antibody-dependent enhancement."

He continued: "Vaccinated people are being exposed to the wild virus in the same hospitals they are vaccinated in or through contaminated water, as SARSCoV2 can replicate in bacteria (Brogna et al, 2020).

"Subsequently they develop a vaccine ADE enhanced form of COVID-19, which also enhances symptoms and therefore enhances spread to their family members, some of which may also develop vaccine ADE. The cycle continues, more vaccinations, more v-ADE, more infections, more deaths.

"The only way to stop this is to halt vaccinations immediately, and revert to early treatment."

Meanwhile, as many as 100 patients have died in Ahmedabad’s Civil Hospital after taking the first or second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The cases were reported by Gujarat’s most popular Gujarati-language daily newspaper Sandesh.