I Won't Comply' album debuts

If there’s one reason to go check out Roamanmusic’s new album right now, it’s that Big Tech would hate it if you did. 

The singer-songwriter released his “I Won’t Comply” EP last week featuring tracks such as “Why Are We Still Listening to Bill Gates?” and “They’ll Say I Died of COVID". 

But Facebook shadow banning Roamanmusic isn’t the only reason to give his “C*V*D NineTunes” a listen.  

If you want to hear your exact thoughts on vaccine mandates sung to you by the Resistance’s own Jason Mraz, try “Go Vacks Yourself” (“I’m not anti-vax, I’m just anti-bullsh*t").

If you grieve for common sense and you want that played back for you in a folksy ballad, check out “The Government Would Never Lie” (“politicians always tell the truth and don’t you know the media got your back”). 

Or, if you want to hear a love song to sanity that’s dripping with dark flamenco-style sarcasm, you might want to listen to “Before They Deceived Us” (“when it was still legal to show your whole face and coughing didn’t get you to jail”). 

Pick any one of Roamanmusic’s short freedom jingles and you’ll likely hear elements of brotherhood, love, and authority-bashing, everything you’d expect from a Marley-esque tribute to truth and liberty. 

Of course, “I Won’t Comply” is the rebel anthem that debuted last year, garnering over 10,000 likes on Instagram. 

As FrontlIne News reported, the song circulated social media and was translated into foreign languages as the message of non-compliance with COVID mandates resonates with wider and wider worldwide audiences. 

“Despite the lighthearted tone of this song,” Roamanmusic wrote on Instagram, “I take this very seriously. 

“I stand for Truth, *real* health, love, equity, sovereignty and freedom, and I am not ‘anti’ anything except lies, corruption, greed and injustice. 

“You want to get the v? Go ahead! Get v’d twice a day every day if that makes you feel safer, that’s cool with me. 

“What I’m *not* cool with is giving away the power to make informed decisions for myself, letting governments, individuals, or corporations with questionable reputations and vested interests dictate what experimental concoction I must inject into my body to be *allowed* to live my life freely, pretending that all is well, keeping my head down and waiting for further instructions because don’t worry! Big Brother is taking care of it. 


“I wish everyone strength and health, and I pray we can all get out of this nightmare as soon as possible. 

“But not like this. 

“Wake up. Stand up. Speak up. 

“This has gone too far.” 

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