I never got the credit I deserved on COVID' — Trump stands by vaccine in interview with vaccine victim Megyn Kelly

Nearly two years after responding to Candace Owens' question about COVID vaccine deaths, claiming the jab to be "one of the greatest achievements of mankind," President Trump declined another opportunity to distance himself from the mRNA injections.


Megan Kelly provided the new opportunity to address a key issue for his constituency in an interview on SiriusXM:

Not only did you not fire Fauci, who is loathed by many — millions of Republicans in particular, but also some Democrats — you made him a star.

This is the criticism of you, that you made him the face of the White House Coronavirus Task Force — he was out at every presser — that he was running herd for the administration on COVID, and that you actually gave him a presidential commendation before you left office. Wouldn’t you like a do-over on that?”

Trump rebutted Kelly, standing by his COVID policies. In response, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire weighed in, accusing Trump more than anyone else, as being personally "responsible for COVID tyranny": “There is no person more responsible for COVID tyranny than Trump. Trump could have stopped it, but instead he enabled it.”

Going down with the ship

Trump not only deflected Kelly's criticism, he claimed the vaccine saved 100 million people worldwide: “I have people on the other side . . . they said you saved 100 million people because I got it done in nine months as opposed to five years to 12 years.”

Trump did not explain how the vaccine saved lives when death rates actually rose after the introduction of the vaccine in December 2020. By April 21, 2021, 200 million doses had been administered. Yet, pre-vaccine 2020 had a significantly lower death rate than 2021, the year the vaccine was rolled out. According to the CDC, the increase in 2021 was over 5% and was particularly seen in deaths from heart disease, strokes and, of all things, COVID:

The age-adjusted death rate increased by 5.3% from 835.4 deaths per 100,000 standard population in 2020 to 879.7 in 2021.

Without addressing actual death statistics post-vaccine, Trump insisted, “We did a tremendous job. . . . I never got, I think, the credit that I deserved on COVID.”


Kelly, though, asked about vaccine injuries and that vaccine companies enjoy immunity from lawsuits for damages their products cause: “Of course, a lot of people have been vaccine injured and that's one of the questions those people are mad that they were rushed through and that they can't sue.”

Trump's response echoed that of many other pro-vaccination politicians when confronted with vaccine injuries: “Well I never gave mandates and people have to make up their own, you know, make their own decision, as far as I’m concerned.”

Being told the vaccine injured have only themselves to blame does not sit well with many vaccine victims particularly after being pressured socially and economically to take the shots amidst government assurances that they are safe . One such victim is Kelly herself. 

Just a few days before her interview with Trump, Kelly went public with her regrets over having taken the COVID shot:

I thank God I didn't, I didn't stick [my children] with that vaccine. I'm sorry I did it to myself. I've said this before, but I regret getting the vaccine, even though I'm a 52 year old woman, because I don't think I needed it. I think I would have been fine. I got Covid many times and it was well passed when the vaccine was doing what it was supposed to be doing.

And then, for the first time, I tested positive for an autoimmune issue at my annual physical and I asked, I went to the best rheumatologist in New York, and I asked her, “do you think this could have to do with the fact that I got the damn booster and then got Covid within three weeks?” 

And she said, “yes, yes.” I wasn't the only one she'd seen that with .

Kelly's guest on that show, David Zweig from The Free Press, was particularly perturbed by the failure of public health officials to disclose potential side effects. 

I mean vaccines are like any other medication - that they have benefits and they have drawbacks and this is sort of the theme of our conversation. I feel like, whether it's on masks, on vaccine, on a whole variety of issues, the CDC and other public health authorities, for some reason that I'm still trying to figure out, um refused to to give an honest and sort of broad picture of things 

Typically, when you go to the doctor, if you're going to have a procedure done or you're going to get a medication, they will say to you, "look, this is,” or at least a good doctor will, they'll say, “this is the benefit I think you'll get but these are some of the side effects you may have.” 

The CDC repeatedly and consistently downplayed the issue of myocarditis and particularly in young males. The issue of masks was repeatedly downplayed. We were gaslit, where they said there's no downside. 

Unfortunately, autoimmune disease is not the only health issue to hit close to home for Kelly. In October 2022, she revealed the tragic death of her sister, which was sudden, though her sister did suffer from other health issues beforehand.

“Something really sad happened in my family over the weekend,” Kelly said as her voice was cracking at the start of her SiriusXM podcast on Monday.

“My sister died,” Kelly said. “She was 58. Her name was Suzanne Crossley and she died Friday suddenly of a heart attack.”

Please see out previous articles on COVID

  1. Inventing the AIDS and COVID viruses?
  2. AIDS without HIV
  3. The real cause of AIDS; known to health officials since day one
  4. Fake virus videos good; authentic vaccine videos bad 
  5. Nine reasons Smucker’s should stop fighting its employees over vaccines
  6. Calls to dismantle CDC after NYT coverup exposé
  7. 6 facts about CDC denial that deaths linked to vaccines
  8. 'Save African refugees from forced family separations'
  9. Israeli surgeon challenges pediatricians to break silence on Pfizer vaccine
  10. Collateral damage: Children suffering far worse than expected from COVID restrictions
  11. Despite CDC denials: New study shows vaccine converts to DNA
  12. ‘War' against virus used to justify censorship, loss of sovereignty and individual rights
  13. Permanent vaccine passports as tradeoff for unmasking kids?
  14. Israeli minister resigns following harsh crackdown on anti-COVID restriction protesters
  15. Pharmacists overruling doctors
  16. COVID vaccine side effects thousands of times worse than reported