Hundreds of US soldiers sue Biden government over forced COVID vaccines

by Amy Mek 

Reposted with permission of the RAIR Foundation

More than 500 US military personnel have filed a lawsuit against the United States government. They argue that the Covid “vaccines” made mandatory for them has not been approved by The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and should never have been administered. Instead, the Covid vaccines have been used with an emergency permit.

The 520 military members argue that mandatory vaccination is illegal because no actual approved Covid vaccine is available in the United States. This means an estimated 55 percent of US military personnel have been illegally and forcibly vaccinated.

Recently, a US naval officer was found in favor of refusing to take the corona vaccine. The officer, Bill Moseley, did not want to take the shot because the corona vaccines offered by the military have not been approved by the US drug authority FDA. His lawyer spoke of ‘an important victory.’

The vaccination requirement for the 1.3 million American soldiers went into effect in September last year. President Biden said the move is “necessary to keep troops operating around the world as safely as possible.” He called on everyone to get vaccinated ‘immediately.’

ECF Filed Complt 5-23-22 by Jim Hoft