Humiliated Vice journalist now says vaccination status ‘none of your business’

Vice reporter Tess Owen over the weekend changed her stance on vaccine mandates after she was humiliated by comedian and activist Alex Stein at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). 

According to her Twitter bio, Owen is a “Senior reporter @vicenews covering extremism & the dissident right.” Indeed, Owen’s portfolio almost exclusively consists of attacking the Right, with a particular emphasis on January 6 attendees. 

Vice has been shamelessly supportive of vaccine mandates, writing last year that “the Biden administration is dancing around the easiest and most obvious solution to deal with another emerging wave of the pandemic: vaccine mandates.” 

Owen herself accused the unvaccinated of “overflowing hospitals” and compared those who refer to themselves as “purebloods” as “drawing parallels with the Nazi doctrine of the ‘master race’.” 

But when she was confronted about her vaccination status over the weekend, Owen refused to disclose it.  

As a hostile reporter and the only CPAC attendee in a mask, Owen found herself targeted by Alex Stein, who followed her around the convention floor and shamed her in front of other attendees. 

“She thinks all you guys are losers,” Stein said as he stood next to Owen. “That’s what she posts on the internet. She posts the most out-of-context stuff. See, Vice is the worst media company there is. They’re all liars, so what do you think about your crappy media company?” 

Owen, looking visibly uncomfortable, meekly responded several times that she’s “just here to do my job,” but Stein then mocked her about vaccines. 

“This is Vice, guys. She’s trying to troll this event,” said Stein to the camera. “She’s the only one in a mask,” he ridiculed as onlookers laughed. “You see this? This is what a loser looks like.” 

“How many vaccines do you have?” he asked Owen derisively. “Are you on your fifth vaccine?” 

“It’s none of your business,” replied Owen. 

“Oh, it’s not? So why do you want to mandate them if it’s none of my business? Are you pro vaccine mandates?” 

Owen did not respond. 

“Oh, it’s none of my business but she’s pro vaccine mandates,” Stein said to the camera. 

“She’s the only one in a mask here!” Stein went on. “She probably has the coronavirus and the viral shedding. You guys see! This is a Vice journalist, it’s a lying media company.”