Despite CDC denials: New study shows vaccine converts to DNA

As this article goes to press, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not removed an assurance it posted to its website last year that the COVID vaccine “never enters the nucleus of your cells” and “cannot alter our DNA.” That may change.

Exploiting trust

Only 2% of Americans now say they trust the government in Washington to do what is right “just about always", according to the PEW Research Center. While distrust of politically appointed public health officials is growing as well, general respect for the medical profession has tempered the increase.  Harvard researchers have found that 37% of Americans still trust the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) “a great deal” and 52% have that level of trust in the CDC.

The CDC took advantage of that remaining trust with its heavily publicized support for the mass COVID vaccination campaign. Equating concerns about mRNA side effects with naive beliefs in fiction, the CDC tweeted, “Let’s bust some myths and learn some facts about COVID-19 vaccines.”

The CDC’s promotion of the vaccines as safe even included a social media post with a red “x” next to an illustration of a DNA strand as it promised Americans, “COVID19 vaccines don't change or interact with your DNA in any way."

No sources?

The CDC did not see the need to cite a study supporting its contentions about the inability of mRNA to affect DNA, stating, matter of factly, that the vaccine doesn’t enter the nucleus of cells and is instead discarded:

“MYTH: COVID-19 vaccines can alter my DNA.

“FACT: COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way…

“After the body produces an immune response, it discards all the vaccine ingredients just as it would discard any information that cells no longer need … The genetic material delivered by mRNA vaccines never enters the nucleus of your cells, which is where your DNA is kept.”

In a self-perpetuating cycle of reinforcement, doctors and scientists then began repeating the CDC line, while themselves failing to provide sources. Hank Bernstein, MD, of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, for example, reported optimistically that, “Fortunately, mRNA has a very short life span. It stays in the cytoplasm, attaches to the ribosome, passes on its message, and then gets destroyed. It doesn’t enter the nucleus of the cell and it does not alter DNA. Since our cells are continuously producing proteins, mRNA is broken down fairly quickly by normal body processes. The cell breaks down the mRNA into harmless pieces and gets rid of it.

“So, what I’m saying in summary, is that after our cells make copies of the protein, the enzymes in the body degrade the mRNA and dispose of it.” [Emphases added].

No research = not observed = won't happen

Research conducted well before the COVID crisis described the general process of “Degradation of mRNA in eukaryotes," while today's researchers continue to add new insights into the process as it naturally occurs, i.e., in the absence of mRNA vaccines.

Did the CDC merely rely on those non-vaccine mRNA experiments in assuring us that mRNA vaccines will similarly degrade?

The University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) may have hinted at the answer.

“mRNA vaccines do their work outside of the nucleus (in a space called the cytoplasm) and have not been observed to interact with the nucleus.“ [Emphasis added].

Under this new standard, the absence of a finding is equivalent to actually doing research and negating a possibility. After all, what was the CDC relying upon in denying genotoxicity (DNA damage) if, as the Swedish research team pointed out, “In the [Pfizer vaccine] toxicity report, no genotoxicity nor carcinogenicity studies have been provided [26].”

How fast is “fairly quickly?”

What did Dr. Bernstein mean by, “mRNA is broken down fairly quickly?”

UNMC explains.

“The cells make copies of the spike protein and the mRNA is quickly degraded (within a few days). The cell breaks the mRNA up into small harmless pieces. mRNA is very fragile; that's one reason why mRNA vaccines must be so carefully preserved at very low temperatures.” [Emphasis added].

Again no source is provided, but the Center may be relying on the CDC’s own unsourced claim that, “Our cells break down mRNA and get rid of it within a few days after vaccination.” [Emphasis added].

Cause for concern

Throwing the CDC’s assurances about mRNA vaccine safety into disarray, Swedish researchers at Lund University have presented evidence that, “[The Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine] is able to enter the human liver cell line Huh7 in vitro. [The] mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA as fast as 6 [hours] after [mRNA] exposure.”

That conclusion of the investigators serves three separate blows to CDC safety claims:

  1. The mRNA may enter the cell nuclei,
  2. The mRNA may then convert to DNA,
  3. The conversion of mRNA to DNA may take place more quickly than mRNA can be broken down, converting to DNA within 6 hours while the body requires a few days to break the mRNA down.

Layman's terms

The Epoch Times paraphrases the study’s findings 

“The researchers found that when the mRNA vaccine enters the human liver cells, it triggers the cell’s DNA, which is inside the nucleus, to increase the production of the LINE-1 gene expression to make mRNA.

“The mRNA then leaves the nucleus and enters the cell’s cytoplasm where it translates into LINE-1 protein. A segment of the protein … then goes back into the nucleus where it attaches to the vaccine’s mRNA and reverse transcribes into spike DNA.” [Emphasis added].

Most Americans in danger?

With the two-thirds of the U.S. population already dealing with short term vaccine side effects like heart inflammation, these new findings have some now worried about the long term effects on the ability of their body's DNA to continue working properly.

May not be as bad as it sounds

While the lack of long term safety testing and the very worrisome 2 million reports of vaccine adverse events in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) make it impossible to make reliable safety claims about the COVID vaccines, it is worth noting the various limitations of the Swedish study. This study, like most research, has certain inherent shortcomings in its methodology which may prevent its findings from being generalizable, i.e., what happened in their lab may not happen to actual people who took the vaccine.

  1. The study did not examine liver or any other tissue samples from vaccinated people. Rather, the investigators introduced mRNA to a laboratory grown line of liver cells. As Merriam-Webster defines in vitro experiments like this one, they occuroutside the living body and in an artificial environment.“ The natural environment of a cell in a living body may provide greater protection to DNA challenges than cells in the laboratory. 
  2. The cell model used in the study is very different from regular cells in that it “is a carcinoma cell line, with active DNA replication which differs from non-dividing somatic cells.”
  3. The researchers acknowledged that while their findings indicate that the transcription of mRNA to DNA creates the possibility that Pfizer vaccine-derived “DNA may be integrated into the host genome and affect the integrity of genomic DNA, which may potentially mediate genotoxic side effects,” they didn’t actually test for genomic changes at “this stage".  
  4. The researchers did not report the distribution of the DNA that was created from the mRNA. Those findings may have indicated the extent to which mRNA vaccine material could be expected to be degraded by, for example, cytosol, as noted by twitter analyst DrWho.
  5. The research also may have lacked proper controls, as noted by that same analyst.

But too early to dismiss 

Notwithstanding the study’s limitations, there already are signs that, at least to some extent, its findings may be translated to vaccine recipients. As the Swedish investigators note, “There has (sic) been case reports on individuals who developed autoimmune hepatitis [39] after [Pfizer] vaccination.”

As the investigators conclude, their laboratory findings prove the need for testing the vaccine effects on the recipients of the jabs, particularly on their genetic makeup.

Start safety testing now?

“Further studies are needed to demonstrate the effect of [the Pfizer vaccine] on genomic integrity, including whole genome sequencing of cells exposed to [the Pfizer vaccine], as well as tissues from human subjects who received [Pfizer] vaccination,” concluded the Swedish scientists. 

Perhaps that long term safety testing should have been performed before the rollout of the campaign to vaccinate almost 8 billion people.