Hospital groups intimidate physician who questioned vaccine

Hospital groups have targeted UK physician Dr. Ahmed Malik for posting a video calling for an investigation into the COVID-19 injections. 

Dr. Malik, a Consultant Orthopedic Surgeon who works in various hospitals around London and Buckinghamshire, posted a video last week in which he slammed the decision to inject millions of people with serums for which there is no long-term data. 

“[O]ver the last couple of years, we’ve seen an increasing number of people with injuries, with adverse side effects. An increasing number of cancers, neurological conditions, heart disease, clots. And now this bombshell revelation by the MP Andrew Bridgen talking about covering up data about the safety of the mRNA vaccines,” said Dr. Malik. 

Tory MP Andrew Bridgen last week maintained COVID-19 was kept secret for months by authorities, who then exaggerated the virus’ danger. He also accused a senior figure in the British Heart Foundation of covering up the side effects of the COVID injections. 

“Like Dr Aseem Malhotra has said, we really need to suspend the rollout of these vaccines. We need to stop and do a proper investigation to find out what is going on,” Dr. Malik added. 

In a subsequent video, Dr. Malik said the next day he was contacted by two hospital groups and their medical directors, who ordered him to cease and desist. 

“Within 24 hours of my video simply asking for an investigation into the safety of the COVID vaccines, I was contacted by two hospital groups and their medical directors asking me to stop any further social media posts on this topic and to withdraw the video,” shared Dr. Malik. “I think this is medical censorship and an infringement of my freedom of speech, and also my duty of care as a doctor to speak up when I’m concerned about the safety of my patients.” 

The physician ended the video with a plea for viewers to sign a petition supporting Dr. Malik and Dr. Malhotra, along with “hundreds of other doctors here in the UK, who wish to speak up and simply ask questions for the sake of their patients, as good medical doctors should. 

The intimidation of Dr. Malik follows a report from Frontline News last week about UK judge Rachel McCallum who was fired after campaigning against the government’s heavy push for mass COVID-19 vaccination, which included a vaccine mandate.

Both reports are consistent with findings in a study detailing methods used by authorities to silence scientists who express vaccine dissent.  

The study notes that while many assume vaccine dissenters to be “mostly hysterical parents or members of anti-vaccination groups” who spread “fake news” there are researchers and healthcare professionals “who raise scientifically grounded concerns and criticisms about certain vaccines.”   

“In response they experience exclusion, are misquoted, denounced as ‘anti-vaxxers’, and are even threatened with job dismissal and/or revocation of their medical license,” the authors wrote.  

Medical professionals interviewed by the study’s authors reported being faced with defamation, online censorship, paper retractions, denial of research grants, calls for dismissal, and hearings.