Flashback: When doctor injected self with HIV to end 'greatest murderous fraud in medical history'


  • Retroviruses like HIV are specifically chosen for cancer research because they allow cells to grow
  • T-cells cannot be depleted by HIV; T-cells are actually used to grow HIV because HIV is harmless to them
  • Experienced doctor injected himself with HIV-positive blood more than once to prove its innocence
  • Most HIV-positive people are symptom-free and do not recall when they got infected (possibly before birth)
  • At worst, HIV causes mild flu-like symptoms in people already suffering immunosuppression

Most people are unaware of the fact that people suffering from AIDS illnesses are often HIV negative, as we reported in AIDS without HIV. Not able to obtain a positive HIV test, their doctors are forced to simply diagnose them as suffering from pneumonia, cancer, tuberculosis, etc., without the AIDS label.

HIV “positive” patients not actually positive 

Even more shocking is the fact that even when there is a positive HIV test, it's not HIV that's been detected but rather the very antibodies that successfully neutralized the HIV, preventing it from causing any illness! 

In fact, AIDS patients who test positive for HIV “rarely” have any active HIV in their bodies. Nonetheless, on the basis of finding that the patients’ bodies reacted properly to the presence of HIV by producing the antibodies against it, public health officials then claim that the same opportunistic infections and cancers found in HIV negative patients are caused in these cases by the inactive HIV and are labeled AIDS cases. This fact was revealed as early as 1990

There is also no explanation for the profound paradoxes that AIDS occurs only after HIV is neutralized and that antiviral immunity does not protect against AIDS, although this immunity is so effective that free virus is very rarely detectable in AIDS patients (Duesberg, 1990, 1992a, 1993a; Piatak et aI., 1993). [Emphasis added].

HIV is such a weak virus that it is quickly neutralized by the body, either after acquiring it from one’s mother during gestation or later in life.  This is why it generally can not be found in a virus test. Even when HIV itself is found in a PCR test, it is merely amplified, dormant or neutralized virus particles that are generally detected in an overly sensitive cycle setting for the test. 

An HIV positive person is thus someone whose immune system already, quickly defeated HIV with its own antibodies. As explained by Professor Peter Duesberg, in Inventing the AIDS Virus,

Only rare luck or misfortune, depending on one's purposes, and extreme persistence can extract HIV from an antibody-positive person.

HIV “discoverer” himself claimed that HIV live in T-cells without harming them

The controversial NIH scientist Robert Gallo who claimed to 'discover' HIV but never actually found it in any AIDS patient, , made a shocking claim in a patent application for his HIV antibody test that he filed on the very same day that he gave a press conference claiming HIV to be the cause of AIDS.

At the press conference he accused HIV of depleting or killing the immune system’s T-cells.

In his patent application, though, he claimed that HIV not only did not deplete T-cells but that T-cells “infected” with HIV could actually enjoy “permanent” growth! He claimed “T-cells [he used were sufficiently] permissive [to] preserv[e] the capacity for permanent growth after infection with the virus. These cell cultures allow for the continuous production of the [HIV] virus.” [Emphases added]

The HIV antibody tests are thus manufactured with HIV virus that is mass-produced in T-cells growing continuously with the HIV withing them while not themselves dying off.

Virus that doesn’t kill its host cells

Of the two contradictory claims of the NIH, that HIV kills infected cells and that infected cells are not depleted by HIV, the second is supported by the evidence. Professor Duesberg writes:

The reports from other labs and biotechnology companies are consistent: HIV grows harmoniously with the cells it infects. The failure to kill T-cells, even under optimal conditions, is the Achilles' heel of the supposed AIDS virus.

Cancer viruses?

Proof of the inability of HIV to kill its host cells also comes from cancer research. While the idea that cancer can be contagious has long been dismissed as a myth, virologists have continued researching possible viral causes of cancer which would mysteriously affect the cancer patient but cannot affect another person if that same viral infection spreads from the cancer patient to the other person. Even accepting that possibility, virologists still had to contend with a seeming contradiction:

Most viral infections eventually result in the death of the host cell. The causes of death include cell lysis, alterations to the cell's surface membrane and various modes of programmed cell death.

How then could these cell-killing viruses cause the overgrowth of cells seen in cancer?” Virologists attempt to solve this quandry by pointing to retroviruses, a subtype of viruses which behave “backwards from the original way that we all think about genetics [in which DNA makes RNA], they get into cells [and their] RNA is reverse-transcribed into DNA ...”

In addition to this quirk, retroviruses have another unique viral feature, one of utmost importance to cancer virologists.  “… most retroviruses do not kill their host cells.”

Thus, for the same reason that retroviruses were selected for cancer research, HIV, itself a retrovirus, could indeed be expected to infect T-cells without killing them, as Gallo reported in his patent application.

Mild, but lethal, retroviruses?

As perhaps the leading retrovirologist in the world, having been the first scientist to map the genetic structure common to all retroviruses as well as the first, with his research partner, to discover how a unique feature in the genetic structure of a retrovirus caused cancer in infected chickens, Professor Duesberg was particularly well equipped to assess the relative danger of retroviruses, concluding,

Virtually all retroviruses proved to be benign passenger viruses in animals outside the laboratory

So how could HIV, as a member of a group of such generally mild viruses, cause a deadly epidemic?

Is HIV different?

Animals and birds contain up to 100 retroviruses that never cause disease. Is HIV somehow more dangerous than other retroviruses? Duesberg explains the proof that it’s not:

If HIV were actively infecting T-cells or other members of the body's immune system, cell-free virus particles, known as virions, should easily be found with great ease circulating in the blood. 

This is the case with all classical viral diseases: In a patient suffering from hepatitis B, one milliliter of blood (about five or ten drops) contains approximately ten million free virus particles. Likewise, flu-like symptoms appear only in the presence of one million rhinovirus particles per milliliter of nasal mucous, and one to one hundred billion particles of rotavirus per gram of feces will accompany diarrhea in the patient. 

But in most individuals suffering from AIDS, no virus particles can be found anywhere in the body. The remaining few patients have at most a few hundred or a few thousand infectious units per milliliter of blood … 

HIV coming back to life

HIV may, however, make a small comeback in a few patients, but even then, it’s a result of, not the cause of, AIDS. We say a “small” comeback because, even when it returns to active mode, it never infects anywhere near enough cells to cause AIDS illnesses:

HIV behaves as a harmless passenger microbe, only sporadically coming back to life long after the immune system has been destroyed by something else and can no longer suppress the virus. 

Even those patients with some detectable virus never have more than one in every ten thousand T-cells actively producing copies of the virus; on average, only one in every five hundred or more T-cells contains even a dormant virus. The abundance of uninfected T-cells in all AIDS patients is the fatal, definitive argument against the many false claims for high viral "loads" or "burdens" in AIDS patients. Nothing could ever stop infectious viruses from infecting all susceptible cells in the same body (except of course antiviral immunity). If T-cells remain uninfected, there are no viruses to infect them. 

The absence of active, infectious virus automatically disqualifies HIV as a player in the syndrome. Microbes can cause serious damage only when infecting the host's cells faster than the body can replace them; T-cells, the presumed target of HIV, are constantly regenerating at much, much higher rates than dormant HIV in the presence of antiviral immunity. 

A typical HIV infection

What is it like to be infected by HIV? Professor Duesberg informs us:

Retroviruses, by nature, insert their genetic information into infected host cells, becoming dormant once neutralized by the host's immune system. HIV, like other retroviruses, can achieve high levels of virus when first infecting the body (up to one hundred thousand particles per milliliter of blood), but in most people HIV is then permanently inactivated by the antibodies generated against it. During this brief period of HIV activity, some newly infected people have reported mild flu-like symptoms at most-but no AIDS diseases. But all of these rare cases were male homosexuals from high-risk groups, meaning people who had used recreational drugs that can cause exactly the same symptoms. 

Outside this risk group are the seventeen million HIV-positive healthy people identified by the World Health Organization who cannot connect any past disease with HIV infection; they are either surprised or shocked when they find out about being "positive" or are blissfully unaware of it. 

The reason is that HIV is one of the many harmless passenger viruses that cause no clinical symptoms during the acute infection. By contrast, most people have lasting memories of their mumps, measles, hepatitis, polio, chicken pox, and flus, after which they become "antibody positive" for the respective viruses. 

AIDS patients, on the other hand, have generally been infected by HIV for years, not days, before they deteriorate and die. 

Thus, the virus has long since been neutralized, forcing doctors to test the patient either for the dormant virus or the antibodies against it. This is the operating principle of the "HIV test," which identifies antibodies, and yet ironically stands as proof of the innocence of this virus.

The doctor who injected himself with HIV 

On December 7, 1994, at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Greensboro, N.C., Dr. Robert Willner, a medical doctor with about 40 years of experience and the author of Deadly Deception: the Proof That Sex And HIV Absolutely Do Not Cause AIDSinjected himself with blood taken just moments before from an HIV-positive person, just as he had done the previous year on live television in Spain. 

When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind."

Check back

Please visit for the continuation of our AIDS series for answers to these crucial questions and more:

  • What do coronavirus and HIV have in common?
  • What do the COVID vaccines and the HIV treatment have in common?
  • How and why did Fauci suppress evidence that HIV does not cause AIDS?
  • How many times have public health officials mistakenly blamed a virus or bacteria for a disease?
  • Who’s censoring Kennedy’s expose The Real Anthony Fauci?
  • Was AIDS a trial run for COVID?

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