Here is why I will continue to wear a mask' - Commentary

US District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle last week struck down the Biden administration's mask mandate on public transportation, saying that the national public health agency had exceeded its legal powers in issuing the mandate. Reactions were fast and furious and included a noteworthy response from the United States Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, who insisted that he knew better and would continue to wear a mask when traveling.

Let us take his arguments one by one:

“cases are on the rise in many states…”

Cases rise and fall irrespective of whether people wear masks. Studies show that even in virtually completely unmasked populations, such as Swedish schoolchildren, no increased levels of mortality were found. Incidentally, incidence of COVID tends to rise and fall in trajectories that are very alike across the world, regardless not only of mask usage, but also of lockdown regulations and “vaccine” coverage. In other words, the coronavirus, like other viruses in the past and present, tends to overcome man’s best efforts to control its destiny.

“you could transmit the virus...”

Multiple studies have indicated that masks have anywhere between insignificant to zero to negative effect on transmission. The few studies cited by the CDC as evidence for the efficacy of wearing face masks (see here) are either studies that test in laboratory conditions or studies involving very small numbers of people and highly imperfect trial design (and even studies that are little more than hearsay). The only two randomized controlled studies (RCTs) that were ever conducted to examine the effects of mask-wearing showed that cloth masks are basically useless and that surgical masks may have some effect if used properly, changed regularly, cover the nose as well as the mouth and are not contaminated by touching.  In other words, the way most people wear masks is more likely to harm than to help.

“kids under 5...”

Kids under 5 are at extremely low risk from COVID. Your wearing a mask won’t protect them from anything that threatens them. But it could cause them to miss facial cues, prevent them from developing normal speech and from learning effectively in the classroom if the teacher is masked. And if you mask your child, you could be setting up a situation that is actually detrimental for his overall immunity. (That’s if the masks work at all...) And if masks don’t work... then you’re just torturing them for nothing.

“millions of Americans who ... haven’t yet gotten vaxed...”

The implication is that if they have been vaccinated, they need not worry about catching COVID from you. But study after study plus a wealth of real-world data has shown the exact opposite to be true; those who have had the shots are vastly more likely to contract COVID.

People at higher risk depend on themselves to protect themselves. Should the entire population mask-up to protect this tiny minority (see here for an expert estimation of the infection fatality rate), even assuming that masks are effective? Is that a question for epidemiologists, or the CDC, or Dr. Fauci to answer? Or should our courts and our elected representatives answer that question?

Recommendations should be based on data and judgment. And by all means take precautions, but genuine ones.

Most people don't enjoy wearing them, and they enjoy wearing them even less when they're told that the discomfort they feel is “all in their head”. The mainstream media is replete with articles telling people that despite what they're feeling, their oxygen levels are normal. 

There is no evidence that masking protects anyone – neither the wearer nor others. Given how many lives have been lost and affected by COVID and – more critically – by the mismanagement of the crisis and plain malfeasance, we should start taking real steps toward safeguarding public health. Promoting early treatment, making lifestyle changes that take us out of the high-risk category, and getting lots of fresh air and sunlight would go a long way to boost our general immunity, and make us happier, saner, and healthier.