‘He understands’: White House responds to soaring gas prices

The White House has adopted a succinct new response to grievances about inflation and soaring gas prices. 

During Tuesday’s press briefing, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked by Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy what Americans are supposed to do about skyrocketing gas prices. 

“In some places in this country now, a gallon of gas costs more than people on the federal minimum wage are making in an hour.  What does the White House want these people to do — to stop driving to work?” 

The press secretary responded simply that Biden understands. 

“Look, the President understands what it feels like,” replied Jean-Pierre. “[National Economic Council Director Brian] Deese just spoke — spoke about this.  Brian Deese was just here and talked about how he understands what it means for people who are sitting at their kitchen table and see gas prices go up.  He understands that feeling personally.  Or seeing prices of grocery store — of grocery — of groceries go up in the grocery store.  

“This is something that he is inherently aware of, and he is doing everything that he can, as Deese — Brian Deese, who was just here — his economic adviser — one of his top economic adviser — laying out what he is planning to do or continue to do to make sure that we lower costs at the gas pump.” 

The press secretary then proceeded to blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for the rise in gas prices. 

When asked again if, understanding aside, Biden considers 40-year-high gas prices a crisis for American families, Jean-Pierre again responded that he understands. 

“He — he’s — he consider- — he understands the hardship that people are going through.  He understands how difficult it is for families.  He understands that.  That’s why he has done everything that he can to — and taken steps in many different ways to make sure that we lower costs.” 

The national average gas price has reached a historic high of $4.67, with some cities like Los Angeles paying over $8 a gallon. 

The Biden administration has settled on blaming Putin for the high gas prices, though few Americans appear hoodwinked by that narrative other than the mainstream media. 

In an article published by CNN Wednesday titled “Why US gas prices are at a record, and why they'll stay high for a long time,” the outlet proceeded to blame high gas prices on everyone but Joe Biden, instead citing Putin, China’s lockdowns, and high demand. While CNN also blamed a truncated oil supply, it did not mention Biden, who handicapped domestic oil drilling on his first day in office and followed it up with banning Russian oil.