Hate crime' laws selectively enforced

The perpetrator of a brutal hate crime Waseem Awawdeh, 23, received a sweetheart plea deal that will see him serve just 6 months or less for beating a Jewish man “with crutches while also punching, kicking, and pepper-spraying" him. The unprovoked attack, which left the victim suffering from a concussion and fearing for his life, was caught on video. 


Removing any doubt as to his motivation, Awawdeh yelled “dirty Jew” at the victim, adding, “***k Israel, Hamas is going to kill all of you.”


Unremorseful, Awawdeh told a jail guard, “If I could do it again, I would do it again,” and publicly celebrated upon his release pending trial, climbing on a friend's shoulders while another friend screamed, “hero”.


Awawdeh was charged with assault as a hate crime, aggravated harassment as a hate crime, gang assault, menacing, and criminal possession of a weapon and faced up to seven years in prison before Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg offered the six-month deal despite the two separate hate crime charges. 

Just three days earlier, Awawdeh was arrested for beating a stranger in a violent robbery. He was freed under New York’s “No Bail” law.

Consciously or not, Awawdeh made wise crime choices. In contrast, “360 individuals in California are serving life sentences for shoplifting small amounts of merchandise," due to the state's ”three strikes law".


NYC Council member Kalman Yeger accused the DA of creating an “Open Season on Jews" with an extremely light sentence for the brutal attack.

Breitbart took note of the DA's backers.

Bragg was elected in November 2021 with indirect backing from left-wing billionaire activist George Soros, who provided $1 million to the Color of Change PAC, which was spent to elect Bragg.

Soros shares the same religious background as the victim, but his political ideology is not due to religion. The Freedom From Religion Foundation records this conversation with Soros:

STEVE KROFT: Are you religious?
KROFT: Do you believe in God?

—Interview on CBS “60 Minutes” (Dec. 20, 1998) 

Biased prosecution

See our previous articles on selective law enforcement:

  1. Congressman introduces ‘J6 Bill to Counter Political Prosecutions’
  2. Feds coerce Jan 6 defendants into waiving right to appeal jail time
  3. Feds pressure Jan 6 defendants to falsely confess to ‘knowingly’ trespassing
  4. Judge in Dr Gold case applauded anti-free speech socialists disrupting SCOTUS
  5. Politicizing medicine: FBI/DOJ/Court jail Dr Simone Gold for trespass
  6. FBI fails to act on evidence of planned shootings
  7. Police plant drugs on minorities to meet arrest quotas
  8. Police chiefs discourage violent crime complaints to give appearance of reduced crime
  9. FBI - No time to interview rape victims; plenty for Jan 6 trespass
  10. BLM pushes gun laws that may have led to deadly police shooting of black man
  11. AFLDS founder waives ‘selective prosecution’ defense; accepts misdemeanor plea deal for delivering medical talk on gov’t property
  12. Friends of Israel concerned over ruling allowing confessions extracted under torture
  13. Dr Gold’s judge accused of racism, misogyny
  14. Breaking: Judge who handed Dr Gold harsh prison sentence propositioned her in law school
  15. Deep State jails Dr Gold with violent felons; moves Ghislaine Maxwell to ‘Club Fed’
  16. Mr Biden - Where is Dr Gold's pardon for peaceful medical speech at Capitol?