Hamas advisors had time to make ‘fruit salad’, say reports

The Islamic attack force that invaded Israel this month and massacred over 1,300 Israelis had time during the attack to prepare and eat meals, say new reports.

The revelation comes amid growing questions about how the attackers were able to conduct a large-scale invasion unimpeded by Israel’s sophisticated security apparatus, and why it took Israel’s forces hours to respond. International security experts — along with 80% of Israelis — place the blame “squarely” on Israel’s government.

According to Knesset Member May Golan, survivors of the massacre have reported seeing Europeans among the Muslim attackers, wearing black and speaking “only English.” There have been several reports of these English-speaking invaders breaking into homes, politely asking for fruit, peacefully exiting the houses and sitting down calmly on the front lawn to prepare and eat fruit salad.

“They had time for fruit salad and their friends had time to commit a series of cold-blooded abuses and burn cars to ashes,” questioned Golan. “How did they know they would have time? Why didn't they kill, take the prisoners and disappear? Who really commanded the terror and what did his watch tell him?”

Golan also says she received testimony from one of the soldiers whose job it was to constantly monitor the border from one of several command centers.

“It is a lie that we did not see the fence breached,” said the soldier. “We saw and called for help for three and a half hours. They told us it would be okay, they were dealing with it. Meanwhile we watched them leave and enter Gaza like on the freeway. It was delusional, like a surreal movie. I didn't understand, I just called the whole world and shouted and cried.”

Other survivors recounted the horror they experienced while waiting hours for help from Israel’s highly trained security forces:

Our daring rescue stories are a pile of lies. No one rescued us for hours and did not enter the area. We drove alone on the rims in a car with three punctured wheels, we were shot at from point blank range, we made phone calls to the world and they answered we were sorry, we don't have a vehicle to enter the line of fire. In the end God saved us and we got out alive.

New reports from an Israeli forensics team say the Islamic attackers had time to torture their victims before murdering them. Yossi Landau, a member of the rescue and recovery organization ZAKA, reported seeing “piles of 10 children each” who “were tied at the back, burned to death.”

Some of the bodies Landau and his team went to recover in Kibbutz Be’eri had also been booby trapped.

"At the end of the kibbutz, in a house that was completely destroyed, they [the babies] are sitting on a fence outside the house," ZAKA Commander Mendy Haviv told the Epoch Times. "Their bodies are burned. Their parents, sitting in front of them, are slaughtered."

A rabbi who was asked to help give the victims proper burials says he saw "babies that were hanged in a row" with their mothers' brassiers.

But as a growing number of Israelis — including Golan — ask how the invaders appeared to know they had time on their hands — Israel’s leaders are trying to stifle such questions. IDF officials have said that “now is the time for war,” not for investigations. Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi has drafted regulations that would allow authorities to arrest taxpaying citizens and seize their property for “harming national morale,” which ostensibly would include asking questions that suggest the government is to blame.