Guess who just called Florida’s Surgeon General a conspiracy theorist

Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo issued a statement yesterday recommending against the COVID-19 vaccine for healthy children. Florida is the first state in the country to issue this guidance, which counters the Biden administration’s narrative. 

“Based on currently available data, the risks of administering COVID-19 vaccination among healthy children may outweigh the benefits,” Ladapo said. “That is why these decisions should be made on an individual basis, and never mandated.” 

This prompted none other than White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to blast Ladapo, who is a Harvard MD and PhD, as a conspiracy theorist at a press briefing. 

“’s deeply disturbing that there are politicians peddling conspiracy theories out there and casting doubt on vaccinations when it is our best tool against the virus and the best tool to prevent even teenagers from being hospitalized,” said Psaki. 

Psaki said this with no sense of irony, despite having peddled actual, confirmed conspiracy theories when it came to former President Donald Trump. 

In 2017, Psaki pushed the infamous Russiagate conspiracy theory, which accused Trump of conspiring with Russia against the United States. 

“Important to remember Flynn is the tip of the iceberg. Russia ties with Trump team, and interest in creating chaos in the U.S. are ongoing,” wrote Psaki in one tweet. 

“Comey and Russia was a factor,” Psaki tweeted in another. 

The Russia collusion theory was confirmed as a hoax with the Mueller report in 2019. 

Also this week, Psaki blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for skyrocketing gas prices, despite the fact that gas prices were rising prior to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

Ladapo tweeted today about his latest guidance. 

“As Surgeon General, I cannot recommend that healthy children receive the COVID-19 vaccine,” Ladapo’s tweet said. “When their overall risk is low, & there is a higher than anticipated rate of serious adverse events in clinical trials, it is unclear if benefits outweigh the risks [e]specially when the COVID-19 vaccine shows rapid decline in efficacy among children, and many already have natural immunity after two years.” 

Ladapo also made waves over the weekend when he asserted that masks do not save lives and that even according to the most dubious science, they are useless for young people. 

“To the doctors who tell you that these things save lives, ask them what did the two randomized clinical trials that we’ve done during the pandemic, what did they show?” Lapado challenged. “Ask them that when they tell you that these things save lives. One found nothing. Zero benefit. The other found a small benefit, like a tiny benefit that’s a little bit methodologically shaky.”  

Ladapo went on to say that science is conclusive about masks being completely useless for young people.  

“And by the way, none of them found a benefit in young people. Not a single one found a benefit in young people. That’s the highest-quality evidence. That’s what it showed,” said Ladapo.