Government withholds vaccination status for 9-year-old Israeli girl dead from cardiac arrest during rocket siren

A nine-year-old Israeli girl died on Saturday, one week after going into cardiac arrest while running for a shelter when a siren went off to warn of an incoming Gaza rocket. In a post on Facebook, her father, Avi, thanked those who prayed for her while she was hospitalized and expressed gratitude to the Lord for the time he had with her:

Tamar was an angel. God gave us a gift for nine years and 10 months.

45 seconds

The young girl, Tamar Torphiashvili, lived in the city of Ashdod, which is close enough to the Gaza border that residents have only 45 seconds to get to a bomb shelter from the time a siren goes off until the rocket makes impact. The sound of the siren itself, and the pressure of getting to a shelter when one may be on their way to school or work and are not sure where the closest shelter is located, is frightening even for adults.

Adrenaline rush?

According to Assuta Medical Center Emergency Children's Ward Manager Dr. Noa Rosenfeld the high adrenaline levels associated with the trauma of the sirens led to her cardiac arrest:

In addition to physical harm caused by explosions and shrapnel, the sound of rocket impacts, interceptions and sirens can cause anxiety attacks and shock. 

Dr. Noa Rosenfeld, the manager of the emergency children’s ward at Assuta [Medical Center], told the Ynet news site that incidents of heart attacks are rare, but some people are “very sensitive to adrenaline in high doses that can cause them a cardiac problem.” …

The incident itself occurred during the siren. The girl and the family went to the shelter and she lost consciousness,” Rosenfeld said, adding that she was treated with prolonged resuscitation throughout the week. [Emphases added].

Does that mean that parents should worry about their 9-year-olds going into cardiac arrest during sports or during a roller coaster ride? Yes, according to cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, if the child has myocarditis, a side effect of the COVID mRNA injections.

Unfortunately, the first sign of myocarditis, which is permanent in about half the cases, may only occur when the victim dies during an adrenaline surge. Until then, the condition may go unnoticed. 

It's not that 

Dr. Rosenfeld, however, did not consider the possibility that the rare cardiac arrest in the 9-year-old may have resulted from an underlying myocarditis which itself may have been a side effect of an mRNA injection. Tamar's death will most likely be listed as cardiac arrest without any mention of a vaccine side effect.  

Frontline News previously reported on another Israeli child, 8-year-old Yonatan Erlichman, who suffered cardiac arrest while in his bath tub and drowned. He had been featured in a government COVID film urging other children to “listen to their doctors” about masks, quarantines, and other COVID measures.

As with Tamar, the COVID jab was not considered a possible cause in the death of Yonatan. On the contrary, both Yonatan's father and grandfather are well-known pediatricians who recommended the jabs for children who did not change their position after the boy's death. 

Government keeps vaccine status confidential

In the case of both of the deceased children, the government has not released their vaccine status. In stark contrast, when an unvaccinated child comes down with childhood illnesses like measles, the government is often quick to announce their vaccine status.

Only reliable statistic

With "vaccines" prematurely ruled out as the cause of death even in the case of highly unusual cardiac arrests among young children, and vaccine status in cases of sudden death kept secret, the only statistic that can be relied upon to reveal the extent of death caused by the COVID mRNA injections is the percentage change in “all-cause deaths.” Specifically, the death rate in post-vaccine years (2021 and on) should be compared to the rate in 2020 (the year with COVID but without a vaccine) and to a pre-COVID baseline (e.g., the 2015-2019 average). 

Some reports say overall deaths are up around 16% throughout the West, where vaccination rates were high “According to Australian Bureau of Statistics 'All Cause Deaths' are 16% up for 2022, and similar numbers for all heavily vaxed western countries.”

Other reports cite statistics for Kentucky revealing even higher increases in young people. For 5–9-year-olds, like Tamar and Yonatan, he found more than a 40% increase.

KENTUCKY 2021 vs 2019 *Provisional CDC MMWR data for "All Cause" Deaths in 2021! - as of 11/19/22 (Note: final 2021/2022 data not in), but take a look: -ALL AGES +23% (+11k) -5-9 yr/old +40% inc -15-44 yr/old +50% inc -45-79 yr/old +30% inc

In the United States, 2,854,838 deaths were recorded in 2019, the last "pre-pandemic" year. A 16% rise in that number would mean approximately 450,000 additional deaths, far more than can be attributed to COVID itself or to other unusual causes.

Netanyahu at fault?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed an extremely aggressive COVID vaccination program, with lockdowns followed by severe restrictions on those lacking a “vaccine passport,” including school and work restrictions. He even spent over a billion dollars of taxpayer money, without a Knesset (Israel Parliament) vote, in planning the purchase of more than 60 million vaccine doses, some 7 doses per citizen, many never used.

But Gaza's lead role in Tamar's death may not exonerate Netanyahu altogether. The Israeli Ha'aretz newspaper has reported on Netanyahu's support and funding of Hamas: “'Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas,' Netanyahu told his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019. ‘This is part of our strategy.’”

Some of that money may have gone to building a rocket which may have combined with an underlying case of myocarditis, in a girl who may have taken a shot to be allowed to go to school, to end a life that was just starting.

See our full coverage of Israel's war as well as the COVID agenda

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