Government overreach triggers bank runs in China

Tyrannical overreach by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is triggering bank runs in certain provinces of China, according to reports and circulating footage. 

Six banks in the Henan and Anhui provinces had their funds frozen by the CCP in April due to what the government is saying was a fraud scheme by bank management, angering many citizens who can no longer access their money or life savings. When they tried to protest last week, they found their health codes turned red even though they tested negatively for COVID-19. Without a green health code, Chinese citizens are unable to access public transportation or venues, which they do by scanning QR codes. 

The lost access to funds, along with the CCP's “digital shackles” - as one affected citizen put it – is triggering bank runs with long lines of people waiting for hours to withdraw their funds. The most affected banks are in Shanghai and Dandong in the Liaoning province. 

It is unclear how many bank runs are taking place and if they will continue. If they do, they may affect Asian markets, though it is unknown to what extent. 

The CCP’s recent use of the health code system for crowd control confirms the fears of many who have been warning about the dark potential of vaccine passports or other forms of digital ID. Some countries around the world, including European Union member states, have already implemented systems similar to China’s health code model, including QR codes. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News, the vaccine passports have conditioned many to show their mobile phone to gain entry everywhere, even to a supermarket. Arguably, vaccine passports were not an end in themselves. They were a pathway to a global digital ID.    

A digital ID is also central to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) globalist agenda. The Great Reset agenda entails a digital transformation of countries and their citizens, which requires three elements: digital IDs, digital payments and data governance.    

“Digital ID, digital payments, and data governance are each important individually. Together, they add up to a powerful public good,” says the WEF on its website.    

Many have pointed out that they add up to total control by governments. Whether that control is used for the “public good” or not is at the discretion of said government.  

A 2020 video by WEF enthusiast and digital ID wallet maker Thales Group illustrated a future with digital IDs. Though the video was created before the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Thales group made it clear that mandatory vaccination is linked to digital IDs.   

In the video, the digital ID is used by generating and scanning QR codes, which countries around the world – including many in Europe – have begun using to verify citizens’ identities through their vaccine passports.    

“Covid-19 health passes can open the door to a digital ID revolution,” was the title of an article on Thales Group’s blog last year.