Government leadership refuses to acknowledge disconnect with people

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Sunday refused to acknowledge data showing the American people do not care about the same issues as Democratic leadership and are more in line with the Republican agenda. 

In a Harvard survey reported by America’s Frontline News last week, responses showed that Americans believe January 6th is the number one issue for Democratic Party leaders (27%), followed by women’s rights (25%) and environment/climate change (23%).  

However, the issues Americans actually care about are price increases/inflation (37%), economy and jobs (29%), and immigration (23%). Only 7% of respondents consider January 6th an “important issue”.  

While there appears to be a great disconnect between American voters and the Democratic Party, respondents believe Republican Party leaders remain in line with the issues that matter most, beginning with immigration (37%), price increases/inflation (24%), and economy and jobs (21%). 

But Nancy Pelosi refuses to acknowledge this. 

Pelosi made the remarks in an interview with MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart, who pressed Pelosi on why she thinks there is such a disconnect. 

"Why don't the American people, according to the surveys, trust Democrats but instead trust Republicans?” asked Capehart. 

“I don’t subscribe to what you said that they don’t trust us,” Pelosi dismissed, before making a bizarre attempt to bring the conversation around to Republicans. “The fact is, is that in the last few weeks, the Republicans, recognizing now that they have a problem in this election, and you all have been telling them they’re gonna win for like a year and a half, but they’re seeing what’s happening on the ground.” 

She then said that Republicans have “unlimited money” and “unlimited fact” on their side. 

“So, they have placed unlimited money, unlimited money into these races with unlimited fact,” she said. “It’s, uh, misrepresenting what the reality is, and it takes its toll. There’s just no question. We won’t have unlimited, we’ll have to have enough. But we have to fight that perception that they’re putting out there about inflation.” 

The Harvard survey also showed that Americans find Pelosi one of the most unfavorable political figures after Russian President Vladimir Putin, along with Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-CA). Twelve percent more find Schumer to be unfavorable rather than favorable.  In this, he is tied with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), just under Hillary Clinton at –13%.  

The most favorable political figures to Americans, on the other hand, remain Donald Trump, followed by Mike Pence and Joe Biden, who nevertheless has a net unfavorability of –8%. 

According to another recent New York Times/Siena poll, most Americans believe the government serves elites, not the people, and that mainstream media are a threat to democracy.  

Of the 792 registered voters surveyed between October 9-12, 68% believe “the government mainly works to benefit powerful elites,” while 22% believe it “mainly works to benefit ordinary people.”  

71% of Americans believe democracy is facing a threat, which respondents felt could best be summarized by “The government” or “government corruption” or “non-specific politicians/leaders.”  

Most Americans (66%), in fact, believe the federal government is a threat to democracy, evenly split between those who believe it is a “major threat” and those who believe it is a “minor threat.”