Google censors conservative news site, warns it ‘may harm your computer’

Google is now censoring conservative news site World Net Daily, the first of its kind according to the Gateway Pundit, by removing the site from its search engine. 

Entering successfully brings up the site. But if one were to perform a Google search for “WND”, clicking on the first result which is "WND: Home" takes the user to a warning from Google: 

“Warning – visiting this website may harm your computer!”  

The user is then offered a choice to “return to the previous page and pick another result,” to “try another search,” or to "continue to at your own risk.” There is no link or button which allows the user to continue to the site, forcing users to copy and paste the URL directly. 

Google also offers the user to visit its “Safe Browsing diagnostic page” for a more detailed explanation of the problems found with the site. But the diagnostic page for says “No unsafe content found.” 

The tech conglomerate has made no secret of censoring conservative sites or any site which flouts the COVID-19 narrative. 

Earlier this week, America’s Frontline News reported that after pressure from Democrat lawmakers, Google will no longer show crisis pregnancy centers in Google Maps when users search for abortion-related services in their location. 

Last month, GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel accused Google of deliberately sending Republican National Committee (RNC) fundraising emails to spam, sharing that this has been a practice of Google’s for the last eight consecutive months. The RNC’s emails throughout the month typically have a 90%-100% inbox delivery rate but drop down to 0% at the end of the month when the fundraising emails are sent out. 

In February, the tech behemoth sent civil liberties organization America’s Frontline Doctors a message that it would be downranking in Google’s search results because of the medical opinions expressed by the group's physicians.  

“Your site appears to violate our medical content policy and contains content primarily aimed at providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment for commercial purposes,” read the notification. “Nor do we allow content from any site that contradicts or runs contrary to scientific or medical consensus and evidence based best practices. Learn more."  

Google made no pretenses about their expectations from AFLDS. They offer only one option for responding to the alert: To delete content from the AFLDS website and then click the “Request Review” button which is prefaced with the question, “Done fixing?”    

Until AFLDS “submits” to Google’s self-censorship demands, the search giant plans to continue censoring the AFLDS site by reducing display features, lowering its ranking or even removing it from Google Search results.   

Google fails, in its alert, to define content “that contradicts or runs contrary to scientific or medical consensus and evidence based best practices.”  

America's Frontline News previously reported how longstanding rumors of Google’s political bias led to its CEO’s public denial of those charges in September 2018. As CNN reported, “Google CEO Sundar Pichai responded to reports that some staff had discussed tweaking search results to show a pro-immigration bias. ‘We do not bias our products to favor any political agenda,' he wrote in an email to Google employees.”  

The Daily Caller reported in April 2019 though, that “Google does manipulate its search results manually, contrary to the company’s official denials, documents obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller indicate.”  

In August 2019 Project Veritas followed up with its own story on Google’s secret censorship of conservative content in an article entitled, “Google ‘Machine Learning Fairness’ Whistleblower Goes Public".  

In the article, whistleblower Zachary Vorhies described how “Google allegedly called the police to perform a ‘wellness check’ on him" after suspecting his involvement in the release of “hundreds of internal Google documents," including “a file called ‘news black list site for google now’. The document, according to Vorhies, is a ‘black list,’ which restricts certain websites from appearing on news feeds for an Android Google product.”  

An entire folder of the leaked documents fall under the heading, “censorship” and a document entitled “Fringe ranking/classifer: Defining channel quality” actually includes the following screenshot showing its “example ranking of various news sites,” with obvious implications for their ranking in search results.