‘God’s with us’: January 6 grandmother with cancer arrives at prison

A 69-year-old grandmother battling breast cancer shared her final thoughts before entering Federal Correctional Institution Dublin to serve out her 60-day sentence for being at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. In addition to prison time, she was sentenced to 3 years of supervised release and a $500 fine for the misdemeanor of Parading, Demonstrating, or Picketing in a Capitol building. 

“[I’m] scared to death,” Pam Hemphill told her daughter on video in the prison’s parking lot. “I’m-I’m frightened. But I know God’s with me. I’ve just got to take it five minutes at a time, one day at a time.” 

Her daughter asked what she wants to say to the American people. Pam responded: 

“Just keep your faith, no matter what’s going on in your life. God’s with us, no matter what’s happening to us. It’s going to be ok in our lives. You just lean on God, trust – do what’s right and help make this country better again, and support all those that are right now locked up in – the January 6 people that are not getting any trials. God bless you all.” 

Pam was referring to political prisoners like Ryan Nichols, a retired U.S. Marine and animal rescuer who has been held for over 530 days without trial because he was in the Capitol building that day. Though court documents show he committed no violence or vandalism on January 6th, the mainstream media have made him the face of the “insurrection” narrative, claiming he was carrying a weapon, which he was not, and pepper sprayed an officer, which Nichols denies. 

“My children do not know what their father looks like,” said Bonnie Nichols, Ryan’s wife. “We are not going to get a fair trial in D.C. because of the one-sided narrative,” she added. 

Other January 6 attendees were charged with trespassing, including physician, attorney and human rights activist Dr. Simone Gold, who was sentenced to 60 days in prison, one-year supervised leave and a $9,500 fine for trespassing on Capitol grounds on January 6th. Though she had committed no harassment, violence or vandalism, she was arrested on January 18, 2021 by over a dozen law enforcement officers with assault weapons who broke down her door. She was labeled an insurrectionist and spent two nights in jail.  

By contrast, nine crew members for The Late Show with Steven Colbert will not be charged with a misdemeanor, despite trespassing on Capitol grounds last month and harassing Republican lawmakers and the families of January 6th attendees. 

As reported by America’s Frontline News, even the U.S. Capitol Police said it was “unfortunate” the U.S. Attorney decided not to prosecute the Colbert 9. 

“It is unfortunate that despite all of the evidence the Department presented, including that the group or its leader had been told several times that they could not be in the buildings without an escort, that the U.S. Attorney’s office declined to prosecute any members of the group for Unlawful Entry,” wrote USCP Chief Manger.