Globalist-sponsored report advocates ‘reducing’ private car ownership

An extensive report published last month and funded by globalist dark money groups is advocating for “reducing” private car ownership and relying more on public transportation.

The report explains that because electric vehicles (EVs) are built with lithium batteries, the current push to convert cars into EVs by globalists like Joe Biden — who has mandated that EVs constitute 50% of US cars by 2030 — will lead to a lithium shortage. When that happens, lithium will need to be mined, which will harm the environment.

By 2050, the report projects, the EV market will require triple the lithium currently used and will thus require significant mining.

Therefore, since the “solution” to “climate change” will, in fact, cause more climate change, according to the report, the authors suggest reducing car ownership, which it euphemistically refers to as “car dependency”. A reduction in car ownership will also “ensure transit equity” and “respect indigenous rights”.

This report finds that the United States can achieve zero-emissions transportation while limiting the amount of lithium mining necessary by reducing the car dependence of the transportation system, decreasing the size of EV batteries, and maximizing lithium recycling.

Reordering the US transportation system through policy and spending shifts to prioritize public and active transit while reducing car dependency can also ensure transit equity, protect ecosystems, respect Indigenous rights, and meet the demands of global justice.

The report’s authors then explain why car use in general is hazardous.

Car use poses massive economic externalities. Traffic violence is a leading cause of death for US residents until the age of 45, and it is the leading cause of years of potential life lost. Noise pollution has a surprising array of negative social consequences, causing increased levels of violent crime and a startlingly high proportion of neurodegenerative conditions.

These factors, combined with the massive proportion of land area given to cars, make large swaths of the United States dangerous and unhealthy for people outside of them.

The report was a joint project between University of California Davis and the Climate and Community Project (CCP), which works to influence public policy so that it is more aligned with something called “climate justice”.

The CCP notes on its website that it is sponsored by the Tides Center, a Leftist organization which funnels dark money given to its sister entity, the Tides Foundation. According to Influence Watch, the Tides Center functions as an incubator for other Left-wing nonprofits, helping to fundraise, find office space, complete payroll, apply for grants, and other tasks.

One of the nonprofits which operates under the Tides Center is Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, the Black Lives Matter movement’s primary organization which is run by self-described “trained Marxists”.

The Tides Center is sponsored by a long list of donors which include: the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the David Rockefeller Fund, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, Google founder Sergey Brin’s Sergey Brin Family Foundation, and many others.

Phasing out private cars and making people dependent on state-owned public transportation has been a globalist dream for some time.

In 2018 the World Economic Forum praised cities who decided to ban cars from certain areas, hoping it would be a rallying call “for cities around the country to go car-free”.