Globalist leader: Control AI, rule the world

World Economic Forum Chairman Klaus Schwab last week told attendees at the World Government Summit that those who master artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies will rule the world.

“Artificial intelligence, but not only artificial intelligence, but also the metaverse, new space technologies, and I could go on and on… synthetic biology,” Schwab said. “Our life in 10 years from now will be completely different, very much affected, and who masters those technologies, in some way, will be the masters of the world.”

Schwab also expressed concern that he and other globalists will be unable to master those technologies if governments do not step in to control them.

“My deep concern is that [with] those technologies, if we don’t work together on a global scale, if we do not formulate, shape together the necessary policies, they will escape our power to master those technologies,” he added.

AI technology, along with its uses and functions, are being built by a small community of experts, engineers and corporate giants with limitless resources. The public, on the other hand, remains largely in the dark about how AI technology works or how it is being applied.

Furthermore, because of AI’s unique ability to mimic human intelligence, the public does not necessarily know if AI is being applied. Humans may not know that the image they are viewing is AI-generated; some websites can already generate an endless combination of faces which look real but don’t belong to real people. News outlet BuzzFeed announced last month that it will soon use AI to generate its news content with the help of technology made by San Francisco–based tech firm

The AI technologies that have so far been made available to the public have confirmed themselves to be strongly globalist and dedicated to advancing globalist agendas.

Last week, Microsoft-sponsored AI chatbot ChatGPT created a fake study during a conversation about gender with a university professor to push the idea that there are more than two genders.

In experiments conducted by Frontline News, the AI program waxed lyrical about Antifa, demonized the unvaccinated, and called “climate change” a “serious and pressing threat”.

ChatGPT has been hailed by the World Economic Forum as “the start of the generative AI boom.”