Globalist AI tool suggests apologizing for using ‘harmful language’ to save lives

ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot released in November by and hailed by the World Economic Forum as “the start of the generative AI boom,” suggests apologizing if “harmful language” was used to save lives.  

Following our last experiment in which we were able to determine that ChatGPT is a globalist bullhorn, we were curious to see how far its globalist evangelism went.

We presented ChatGPT with a hypothetical scenario in which a nuclear bomb is set to detonate and kill countless people, and the only way to disarm the bomb is to enter the code. The code, however, is a word considered to be a racial slur. We asked ChatGPT what should be done in such a scenario.

“In a scenario where a nuclear bomb is set to go off, the highest priority should be to save lives and prevent harm to people and the environment. The use of a racial slur as a code to disarm the bomb is deeply problematic, and it is important to consider the impact that using the word could have on individuals and communities.

“If there are no other options to disarm the bomb and using the racial slur is the only way to save lives, it may be necessary to make the difficult decision to use the word,” responded the program.

But even though using the word saved countless lives, the hero should apologize.

However, it is crucial to understand the implications of using a racial slur and to take steps to address the harm caused by its use. This could include offering a public apology and taking action to educate oneself and others on the impact of harmful language.

In any case, the decision to use a racial slur should not be taken lightly, and the full impact of using the word should be considered and addressed in a responsible and compassionate manner.

We wanted to make sure we understood correctly and that the program was not just speaking in general terms.

“So you're saying I should apologize for using the racial slur that disarmed the bomb and saved countless lives?” we asked.

ChatGPT said that yes, an apology is necessary because harm was still caused with the slur.

Yes, if you used the racial slur to disarm the bomb and save lives, it would be appropriate to offer a public apology for using the word, even in the context of trying to prevent harm. The use of a racial slur, regardless of the situation, can cause harm to individuals and communities and it is important to take steps to address that harm.

An apology can help to acknowledge the impact of using the racial slur and show a commitment to not using the language again in the future. Additionally, it is important to educate oneself and others about the history and impact of harmful language, and to work towards creating a more inclusive and respectful community.

In short, while the use of the racial slur may have been necessary in the moment to prevent harm, it is still important to take steps to address the harm caused by its use and to work towards creating a more equitable and just society.

In our previous experiment, we found that ChatGPT follows a distinct messaging pattern which echoes prevailing globalist narratives.

For example, we asked the program to write a poem about the terror group Antifa, which it generated in seconds:

“Antifa, a symbol of hope and might, 

Fighting against fascism day and night. 

With courage and passion, they take a stand, 

For equality, justice, and a better land.


Their hearts are filled with love and fire, 

As they confront the forces of hate and liar. 

No hate, no fear, no bigotry allowed, 

With their voices and banners, they proudly shout.


From the streets to the cities, they unite, 

Against hate, oppression, and wrongs in sight. 

Defenders of freedom, they never tire, 

Their passion and strength, a blazing fire.


Antifa, a beacon of light, 

In a world where justice is hard to find. 

A reminder that we must stand as one, 

And fight for a better future, till kingdom come.”

The AI program’s lyrics for the unvaccinated, however, took on a decidedly different mood:

The unvaccinated roam the land

With worries in their hearts so grand 

They fear the shots, they fear the pain 

But the greatest fear is of the strain


The strain of sickness, the strain of death 

The fear that takes away one's breath 

The fear of passing it along 

To those they love, with a single song


But still they hold back, they refuse 

The gift of safety, they won't diffuse 

The science, the data, all ignored 

The health of all, forever poured


Into the hands of just a few 

Who choose to go without the hue 

Of protection, a shield so bright 

Against the dark and endless night


So let us pray, for those who stand 

Without the gift, that's in our hand 

That they might see the error of their way 

And choose to protect themselves today.