German media uses disingenuous polling to show support for new COVID mandates

German mainstream media outlets invited backlash last week after using polls some called deceptive to show widespread support among Germans for new COVID-19 mandates. 

Berlin has already declared a return to restrictions for the coming fall and winter based on a projection that COVID cases will rise. Beginning in October, passengers traveling on planes or long-distance by bus or train will be required to wear masks. Mask wearing will also be required in hospitals, nursing homes and other places with vulnerable people, along with proof of a negative COVID test, reported CNBC News. German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach promised another injection rollout this fall, which is likely to be mandated. 

But according to German news outlet Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ), that “depends on the acceptance of the citizens, whose confidence in another vaccination campaign by the government should not be particularly high given the often unsuccessful communication.” 

To illustrate that German citizens do indeed accept new restrictions, FAZ presented a poll to its readers, asking, “Is Corona being taken seriously enough?” regarding the new mandates. The paper allowed only two possible responses: 

  • “Yes, it’s good enough” 
  • “No, Corona should be taken more seriously” 

There was no option to disagree with the mandates. 

Another poll which appears to have been deleted asked, “Your opinion is important to us: What do you think of the new corona rules for autumn/winter 2022?” 

Again, the only possible responses were: 

  • “I think it makes sense” 
  • “The rules don't go far enough for me” 

RTL, Germany’s largest private-owned television network, presented the first poll, but reportedly added a third option after backlash. The third possible response was that the mandates are “exaggerated.” This option was chosen by about 90% of respondents. 

Der Tagesspiegel, one of Germany’s largest newspapers, published a similar poll, asking, “Do you think the new infection prevention law is sufficient?” to which the possible responses were “Yes” or “No.” 

It is unclear if the new injection mandate will involve new serums after Germany’s Health Ministry recently acknowledged the adverse side effects of the current COVID-19 shots. The Ministry admitted last month to receiving one report of a serious adverse reaction per five thousand injections.