German judge who ruled against mandates sentenced to two years probation

A German judge Wednesday was slapped with a suspended sentence of two years imprisonment for ruling against mandates for children in 2021.

Weimar family court Judge Christian Dettmar overturned forced mask-wearing, physical distancing and mandatory COVID-19 testing in two Weimar schools in 2021 in defiance of Thuringian Education Ministry mandates. Judge Dettmar believed child mask-wearing should be a decision made by the parents, whereas school mandates impinge on freedom of expression and personal health choice, according to Global Village Space.

While there is no quality scientific evidence for masks, physical distancing, or lockdowns, the public prosecutor at the Erfurt District Court shortly thereafter initiated criminal proceedings against Judge Dettmar for “rechtsbeugun”—perversion of justice. UK Human Rights Blog reports that authorities raided Judge Dettmar’s office, home and car in April and June 2021, confiscating his phone and laptop both times. They also raided the three experts Judge Dettmar relied on to issue his ruling as well as Judge Matthias Guericke, who also ruled against mandates.

German law enforcement conducted at least eight searches in relation to the case against Judge Dettmar.

On Friday, the prosecutor at the Thuringian Higher Regional Court accused Judge Dettmar of “abusing the children as puppets” to achieve his ultimate goal of defying mask mandates and demanded a three-year prison sentence.

German authorities have shown little tolerance for opposition to COVID-19 restrictions. In December, for example, a Stuttgart court ordered 85-year-old Holocaust survivor Inna Zhvanetskaya forcibly injected with the COVID-19 shots and committed to a mental health facility. 

Though Germany’s vaccine mandate had been rescinded, the court order directed German authorities to enter Zhvanetskaya’s apartment and commit her to a psychiatric ward on January 11, 2023, where she was to be injected twice with the COVID-19 vaccine “for her own good” and held until December 2024 at the latest. According to a translation of court documents by France’s News 24, the court has justified its decision by diagnosing Zhvanetskaya with narcissism, egomania, logorrhea, dementia, obesity, heart disease, and an obsession with music. 

Alternative for Germany (AfD), a rising Right-leaning party in Germany, initiated legal proceedings in defense of Zhvanetskaya.

AfD is facing expulsion from German politics as the government mulls banning the party over “racism”.