Is George Soros targeting Cuban-Americans through Florida radio?

Billionaire George Soros appears to be targeting Cuban-Americans by purchasing Spanish-speaking radio stations ahead of the gubernatorial election in November.  

Two of Florida’s largest Spanish-speaking radio stations are WQBA – whose call sign “QBA” refers to Cuba – and WAQI, which also broadcasts a clear signal over Cuba and allows anti-Communist Radio Marti to broadcast directly to Cuban citizens. Both stations have recently been acquired by Latino Media Network, a newly launched company funded by investment firm Lakestar Finance LLC, which lists Soros Fund Management LLC as its headquarters.

Cuban-Americans currently remain the largest Hispanic community in Florida and tend to follow Right-leaning voting patterns.  

Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ re-election campaign has now released a public service announcement ad called “Alerta” on both radio stations. 

“WARNING VOTERS!” says the 60-second ad. “The Left is taking control of our local media.” 

“Billionaire George Soros, known for financing extreme leftist causes, is now financing the purchase of Hispanic radio stations right here in Miami. Soros teamed up with Biden supporters to buy this station from TelevisaUnivision.” 

“They are coming with their ideological agenda,” it continues. “Soros and his minions know what this community represents in the fight against socialism in America. This community will not get confused. Under Governor Ron DeSantis’ leadership Florida is standing against the corporate media and leftist disinformation.” 

DeSantis’s campaign also published a statement regarding the ad. 

“The Spanish-language ‘Alerta’ ad was submitted to run on Miami radio stations (WAQI-AM and WQBA-AM) and warns listeners of the leftist motives behind his media ventures,” the statement read. “WAQI-AM and WQBA-AM were recently announced as part of the Soros-backed acquisition of Spanish Language radio.” 

Soros regularly invests in Leftist politics, spending $40 million over the past decade to elect 75 progressive prosecutors, according to analysts at the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF). The prosecutors hold office in half of the top 50 most populated U.S. cities and represent 20% of all Americans.  

The LELDF found that cities with Soros-backed prosecutors, who tend to be dangerously soft on crime, are responsible for 40% of all crime in America. 

This includes Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon who, according to Sheriff Alex Villanueva, is “unleashing a wave of crime by not prosecuting criminals who are victimizing poor people, people of color, people that live in the toughest neighborhoods in our communities.”