Gentiles who love Jews and the Jews who hate them

In what could be a satirical tribute to the 2002 book co-written by Dr. Susan Forward, Men who hate women and the women who love them, the self-proclaimed guardians of Jewish Americans, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), infiltrated the John Birch Society in an effort to destroy a pro-Israel group that ran articles like, “A Bad Investment: US Funding, Training PLO Terrorists.”

More pro-Israel than Israel's Prime Minister

The “Bad Investment” article, which appeared in the John Birch Society's periodical The New American, exposed details about the funding of Israel's enemies that Israel's leaders opt to keep secret even when invited to speak to Congress or to appear on American news channels:

Tuly Wultz and his 16-year-old son Daniel were enjoying a Passover holiday dinner at a Tel Aviv restaurant when the suicide bomber struck. Nine diners were killed in the grisly attack that day in April 2006 and dozens more were wounded, including the Wultzes, Americans from Florida who were visiting Israel on vacation . . . 

Few Americans are aware, however, that the deadly attack that took the life of Daniel Wultz was planned and carried out by U.S.-trained terrorists of the PLO’s (Palestine Liberation Organization) notorious al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. The Brigades, which are formally listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department, have carried out numerous suicide bombings, car bombings, shootings, and rocket attacks. Nevertheless, they are a major military arm of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’ PLO/Fatah organization. As such, they share in the hundreds of millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars that annually are showered on the Abbas-led Palestinian regime.

But cash is not the only thing the U.S. government lavishes on the Palestinian Authority. Incredibly, it also sends Abbas and his colleagues tons of arms as well — along with training in military tactics, intelligence gathering, and explosives . . .

It should be clear to all but the willfully blind that Mahmoud Abbas’ PLO/Fatah is the same vicious terrorist organization that Yassir Arafat founded nearly half a century ago. That the U.S. government not only provides the Abbas terror apparatus with financial, military, and diplomatic support, but also systematically overlooks and covers up its terrorist activities, is indefensible. . .

Much of the PLO’s most violent dirty work (under both Arafat and Abbas) has been carried out by the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which compete with Hamas in the suicide bombing category. For public relations with the West, Arafat tried to distance himself from the Brigades’ grisly attacks. But documents surfaced showing that Fatah was funneling large sums to the Brigades, and it was difficult to hide the fact that many of al-Aqsa’s top commanders were also high-ranking officers in Arafat’s inner circle.

From their Soviet advisers, Arafat and Abbas learned the art of creating “deniable assets” to shield the PLO from the repercussions of its most reprehensible acts. In the early 1970s, Arafat created a special terror squad, the Black September Organization, to carry out the PLO’s most notorious deeds — but without any apparent ties to the PLO. Arafat would disavow them as renegades, even though they operated under his direction. . .

The arming and training of the Abbas-led forces has been sold to the American public as necessary to prevent a takeover by the supposedly more radical Hamas forces. However, as terrorism expert Rachel Ehrenfeld emphatically notes, there’s virtually “no difference” between Hamas and our Arafat/Abbas PLO “peace partners.” Dr. Ehrenfeld, the author of Narco-Terrorism and Funding Evil, told THE NEW AMERICAN: “Both [Hamas and Fatah] carry out suicide bombings, murder, kidnapping, assassination, rocket attacks on civilian neighborhoods, extortion, drug trafficking — you name it. They both hate Israel and the United States and are committed to our destruction. Show me the difference [between them].” [Emphases added].

One might expect leaders of allegedly Jewish organizations to be thrilled to receive such support and perhaps join or donate to them. They would be mistaken.


The ADL infiltrated the Society while hiding it spying activities from the American public and from Jewish donors, but the espionage was recently discovered by a Jewish historian, Matthew Dallek, and then reported by a Jewish media company, both describing the moles in a positive light:

A historian leafing through files in an archive discovered how a Jewish organization helped bring down an influential far-right extremist movement in the United States in the 1960s and ’70s by going undercover and acting as self-appointed spies. 

The discovery of the Anti-Defamation League’s covert operation targeting the John Birch Society is the basis of a chapter in a new book by political historian Matthew Dallek of George Washington University. Published in March, “Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right” is Dallek’s fourth book . . .

Critics feared that the Birchers were a growing fascist or authoritarian group and that if they were not sidelined politically and culturally then the country could be overrun. The Nation magazine wrote that Birchers essentially had given their followers an invitation to engage in civil war, guerrilla-style. [Emphases added].


Professor Dallek, in an interview covered by the Jerusalem Post, appeared to gloat over the extent and sophistication of the spying:

These papers are a goldmine. They’re this incredible and often detailed window into the far-right and, in particular, the John Birch Society. They show the ADL had an extensive, multi-dimensional counterintelligence operation that they were running against the Birch Society. 

People knew at the time that the ADL was attending events where Birchers were speaking. But the ADL also had undercover agents with code names, who were able to infiltrate the society’s headquarters in Belmont, Massachusetts, and various chapter officers. They dug up financial and employment information about individual Birchers. And they not only used the material for their own newsletters and press releases, but they also fed information to the media. [Emphases added].


Dallek even takes a tone of admiration in describing the results garnered by the spies' “surreptitious” and “underhanded” means:

They were successful. They used surreptitious and in some cases underhanded means. . . . The ADL was at the tip of the spear of a liberal coalition that included the White House, sometimes the Department of Justice, depending on the issue, the NAACP, Americans for Democratic Action, labor unions, the union-backed Group Research Inc., which was tracking the far-right as well. 

The ADL was one of the most, if not the most effective at constraining and discrediting the society. [Emphases added].


The Hebrew Bible, called the Torah, which can be translated as “instruction” or “law,” contains 613 separate commandments, including prohibitions against homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviance. A 2015 study found that the extent to which American Jews consider themselves bound by those commandments, i.e., the extent to which they are observant or religious, is the major factor in determining their political views:

But while Jews overall are a strongly liberal, Democratic group, there are pockets of conservatism and Republicanism within the Jewish population. Orthodox Jews identify with or lean toward the Republican Party over the Democratic Party by a 57% to 36% margin. And 54% of Orthodox Jews, including 64% of Ultra-Orthodox Jews, consider themselves politically conservative. On these measures (partisanship and ideology), the only other U.S. religious groups that are as conservative and Republican as Orthodox Jews are white evangelical Protestants and Mormons. [Emphases added].

Not coincidentally, Avi Mayer (Editor-in-Chief of the Jerusalem Post, which carried the story praising the spying), Benjamin Epstein (head of the ADL at the time of the spying) and Dallek (the historian who speaks glowingly of the spying) have each publicly distanced themselves from Biblical commandments. Mayer publicized his political affiliation in the following tweet.

The preference of non-observant American Jews for political views at odds with the values of their own Bible often leads them to support politicians pushing Israel to make dangerous concessions on their security which pose an existential threat to their relatives in the Holy Land. Such have been the preferences chosen by the non-observant Jews who lead the ADL, as described in the below tweet. 

Likewise, Dallek was raised in a home tied to the heretical movement of Reform “Judaism,” which soon after its creation officially accused “the Bible [of] reflecting the primitive ideas of its own age” and declaring its injunctions to be optional.

[W]e accept as binding only its moral laws, and maintain only such ceremonies as elevate and sanctify our lives, but reject all such as are not adapted to the views and habits of modern civilization.

The movement went on to “nullify” the Bible's ban on homosexual relations and Dallek himself was a speechwriter for Democrat Congressman Dick Gephardt and continues to work as a Democrat activist as evidenced by this tweet:

Dallek even wants Trump in jail.

And he would like to prohibit the former president from criticizing an anti-Israel activist if that activist was born Jewish. 

Most interesting, Dallek supports the very curbs on personal freedom that he claims the John Birch Society planned to implement (and which he praises the ADL for blocking).


The premise used by the ADL to justify using donor money to infiltrate the John Birch Society (JBS), that the society was antisemitic, is challenged by a litany of facts, as described by the Society itself.

Since the JBS was founded in 1958, and long before opposition to racism and anti-Semitism was as mainstream as it is today, membership in the society has been closed to racists and anti-Semites. Robert Welch, the founder of the Society, made that clear at the beginning, making [Condoleezza] Rice’s statement attempting to link the JBS to anti-Semites and racists downright ridiculous to anyone who knows the facts. Indeed, one of the founding members of the original JBS National Council was Alfred Kohlberg, a prominent Jewish businessman. Numerous other Jews have also served and continue to serve proudly as members and in the leadership of The John Birch Society.

Jewish Birchers (a phrase surprising to many) have added their own voice to defend the Society.

This writer actually co-wrote a book with a prominent Jewish Bircher, Dr. Sam Blumenfeld, who was involved with the Society for many decades and actually worked for it. So passionate was Dr. Blumenfeld about the work of the JBS that, together with other Jewish Birchers such as Alan Stang and Holocaust survivor Georgia Gabor, he helped create the Jewish Society of Americanists in 1966. In a statement of principles, the founders said the Society’s aim was “to demonstrate to our fellow Americans and coreligionists that the Americanist principles, beliefs and aims of the John Birch Society are based on the very precepts of Judaism.”

Another prominent Jew who served in The John Birch Society’s leadership was David Eisenberg, who went from JBS foe to friend. In the early 1960s, responding to smears of the day, Eisenberg set out on a crusade to “expose” the Society based on the lies he had heard in some media outlets. Upon learning the truth, however, he quickly joined the JBS in 1964 and forcefully exposed those who leveled false charges of anti-Semitism at the society. He was honored to be selected to serve on the National Council in 1995, where he served faithfully for two decades before passing away in 2015.

In response to smears against the society by establishment operatives, The New American reached out to Andy Dlinn, one of the Society’s Jewish leaders, who is active in his local synagogue and prominent in his state and community. Dlinn, who went from chapter leader to a member of the JBS National Council, told The New American that when a person was caught telling racist and anti-Semitic jokes at a meeting, he called headquarters and that person’s membership was immediately terminated. “The JBS follows through on its pledge and will not let this kind of filth neutralize the critical and essential work of the Society,” Dlinn said. “Watch what an organization actually says and does, not what others, without basis tell you about it.” There was only one incident with anti-Semitism in over 30 years of involvement, Dlinn added. [Emphases added].

The Society even has a stamp of approval as being free of racism and antisemitism from a government body, as reported in the same article. 

Even official investigations going back to the 1960s have exposed the establishment’s lies about the Society. In a published report that is available to anyone, a California Senate Fact-Finding Committee came to the obvious conclusion after its investigation that not only was the Society not racist or anti-Semitic, it specifically opposed racism and anti-Semitism. “Among other unjustified criticisms against the society is the charge that it is anti-Semitic,” the report found. “Our investigation leads us to the opposite conclusion. The organ­ization is open to people of all religions, all races, all political persuasions except those deemed subversive.”

The report continued, “There are many Jews on the Birch committees, many in the society; some members have been asked to resign because they were found to be disruptive with their anti-Semitic attitude,” adding that JBS founder Robert Welch and various JBS coordinators were working with prominent Jewish groups to “squelch anti-Semitism.”

In fact, Jews quoted in the official report said they felt more welcome in The John Birch Society than in American society at large. The report quoted a Jewish member of the Society in Southern California, Jerome E. Linz, who explained, “As a member of the John Birch Society and also a member of the American Jewish League Against Communism, I vehemently deny the allegations of persons or groups claiming that the John Birch Society is a fascist, or any other un-American, collectivist organization. It has been my experience, as a member of a so-called minority group, that I have felt in the society a very great sense of mutual co-operation and respect — a conviction of belonging far above the actual circumstance to be found in daily life outside the society.”

The report goes on to point out, “Welch is unquestionably not anti-Semitic, and wishes his organization to be open to people of all faiths.” The investigators also concluded, as Rice and others who smear the JBS almost certainly know, that Welch “has already acted to oust anti-Semites from the movement.” “At any rate, our investigations have disclosed no evidence of anti-Semitism on the part of anyone connected with the John Birch Society in California, and much evidence to the effect that it opposes racism in all forms,” the report said.

Prominent black Americans such as nationally renowned conservative radio host Jesse Lee Peterson, founder and president of the pro-family group BOND (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny), have been involved with JBS for decades. “I have been a member of JBS for 20 years. I have been a speaker on their lecture tour discussing big government’s war on the black family. I know the head of JBS, and I have spent time with some of their members,” Peterson told The New American. “They are good and decent people. The JBS is made up of patriots who love America. [Emphases added].

A more recent attack on the Society, in the wake of the Charlottesville, Virginia protests, again demonstrated how the Society is maligned without any regard for facts.

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice employed against the JBS what is known as a “sandwich smear,” associating the constitutionalists who constitute the JBS — who happen to be of all races and creeds — with Nazis (National Socialists) and the Ku Klux Klan. Rice, a member of the globalist-minded establishment swamp known as the Council on Foreign Relations, knows what she did was dishonest, critics said. Black and Jewish Birchers offered especially strong condemnations of the bigoted remarks by the Bush-era official.

Writing on social media after Charlottes­ville, the former secretary of state attacked The John Birch Society as if it had been involved in the events — despite the fact that the Birch Society played absolutely no role in the protests in Virginia, has always strongly opposed racism, and always urges members not to get involved in public demonstrations. Indeed, not one single media report has mentioned the Society in connection with the events in Charlottesville, because there was no link whatsoever. By contrast, the JBS has been publishing articles online showing that the violence in Virginia advances the agendas of leftists and racists.

Similar attacks against the JBS have always been just that: attacks. While Rice’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member William F. Buckley argued for white supremacy in his magazine National Review in the late 1950s, the young John Birch Society was busy expelling racists and anti-Semites from the movement and publishing the writings of prominent black Birchers such as George Schuyler. And yet, the globalist swamp is hoping to dupe Americans into believing the opposite.

Ironically, in light of Rice’s comments, the JBS has been a powerful force against both the KKK and Nazism. Working with the FBI, a member of the society actually played a key role in bringing down some of the Klan’s most violent murderers. Reverend Delmar Dennis was a JBS member who, with permission from JBS headquarters, and at great personal risk to himself, infiltrated the most violent Klan in U.S. history, the White Knights of the KKK of Mississippi. He played a crucial role in bringing down some of its murderous members. Afterward, he went on a speaking tour for JBS exposing the Klan.

Considering the society’s fierce opposition to socialism, communism, and fascism — and its inclusion of Jewish members and leaders over the years, including some who survived the Holocaust — it goes without saying that the JBS has always been a major foe to Nazis and their agenda.

Still, Rice, for reasons that were not made clear in her post, felt the need to smear the JBS by listing it along with racist and collectivist organizations and ideologies that the JBS has always vehemently opposed. “Those of us who lived the horrors of Jim Crow and segregation know how much it hurts to be hated for the color of your skin. The KKK, the John Birch Society, and Nazis belong to that awful past,” Rice said, omitting the fact that the Birch Society had many prominent black members and Jewish members during that era, and still does today.  She went on: “And they should stay buried there. They have no place in our country’s politics or in our society. We must condemn them and their actions unequivocally” . . .

Bob Unger, a New York attorney who happens to be Jewish, also blasted the remarks. “It seems to me that she has an agenda, since The John Birch Society is not in any way involved in the altercations that took place in Charlottesville,” Unger told The New American. “Obviously she has an agenda to discredit those who are exposing globalists like herself. Otherwise, how would The John Birch Society even come to mind here? If she had just said KKK and Nazis, OK, that was all on video. But certainly I, as a Bircher, would not stand next to Nazis and KKK members.”  [Emphases added].

More recently, the Society published, The Continuing Scourge of Anti-Semitism, attacking antisemites as not acting rationally.

Attempting to understand the irrational is a difficult task, but the irrational hatred of the Jews has a long history . . .

[Bernard] Shaw’s obsession with eugenics predated Hitler’s. “I think we ought to tackle the Jewish Question,” Shaw wrote in his 1902 drama Man and Superman, “by admitting the right of the State to make eugenic experiments by weeding out any strains they think undesirable.” Shaw viewed Jews as the “real enemy,” calling them “the invader from the East, the Druze, the ruffian, the oriental parasite; in a word, the Jew.”

H.G. Wells . . .  in his nonfiction work Anticipations [called for] “a Republic that must ultimately become a World State.” Here is a glimpse of his vision: “And how will the New Republic treat the inferior races? How will it deal with the black? how will it deal with the yellow man? how will it tackle that alleged termite in the civilized woodwork, the Jew? … If the Jew has a certain incurable tendency to social parasitism, and we make social parasitism impossible, we shall abolish the Jew . . .” 

Like Shaw and other Fabian “progressives,” Wells advocated a eugenics program worthy of Hitler . . . Still, in spite of the evidence to the contrary, there are those who insist that the Jews are the instigators of communism, and the founders of a dark conspiracy to rule the world. Robert Welch . . .  had little patience with this viewpoint. In a speech in 1969 entitled “If You Want It Straight,” Welch said, 

“There is one key to this whole situation which the misguided bigots who want to blame everything on the Jews should try to grasp. It is that the Jews, because of their experience with persecution in the past, have acquired, over the centuries, a feeling of closely-knit clannishness in the face of possible further persecution which has made them very susceptible to the wiles of the demagogues who want to capitalize on that fear. And as a result, no people in history have ever been so betrayed, or so easily betrayed, by power-seeking scoundrels within their own ranks as have the Jews.”

Welch added, “The historical, geographical, and statistical absurdities of this concept that the whole [Communist] Conspiracy is simply a Jewish plot, or is run by Jews, can be demonstrated by overwhelming evidence.” He blamed planted falsehoods and distortions “superimposed on basic emotions and prejudices” that have convinced some “that the Jews are behind it all.” These “dupes,” as Welch called them, then spend most of their time “trying to convince everybody else that they are right in their sophomoric interpretation of the problem and in reviling those who disagree with them.” [Emphases added].

Welch also urged followers to disavow one of the most damaging antisemitic books, which was largely plagiarized from books about subterfuge by Gentiles, declaring it a weapon of America's enemies. 

The persistent theory that “certain powerful Jews” are behind a massive conspiracy to rule the world has been around in some form for centuries, but is best summarized in more recent times by the belief in a spurious document known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion . . . 

Robert Welch believed that the Protocols “was both planned and used by [Vladimir] Lenin and the Communists, to serve Communist purposes.” [Emphases added].

No actual basis

So what was the basis for the attacks on Welch and his Society? His success.

Robert Welch was a true genius, a child prodigy who began reading at two, tackled algebra at age six, read all nine volumes of John Clark Ridpath’s formidable History of the World at age seven, and entered the University of North Carolina at age 12 . . . 

It was off to Cambridge, Massachussetts, then, and Harvard Law School for the young scholar. There Welch would clash repeatedly with Marxist law professor Felix Frankfurter, whom Franklin D. Roosevelt would later appoint to the Supreme Court . . 

In 1951, following President Truman’s unjust firing of General Douglas MacArthur, Welch penned his first major political work, entitled May God Forgive Us. It had begun as a lengthy letter to a friend outlining the calamitous results of America’s post-World War II policies and the global Communist advance . . . 

We were at war with the Communists in Korea, and Welch’s incisive analysis of America’s defeats and retreats so soon after our victories over Germany and Japan struck a responsive chord with the American public . . .

In 1954, Robert Welch’s second explosive book, The Life of John Birch, appeared. He had stumbled across the amazing story of this American military hero and Christian martyr while conducting research in the congressional committee files in Washington, D.C.

In the February 1959 issue of American Opinion, he published a concise but withering exposé of Castro’s Red bona fides. That was followed in April with the entire issue of American Opinion devoted to fully documenting “the fact that Castro was, and all of his adult life had been, a vicious, lying, brutal, murdering Communist.” If such a statement seems self-evident today, please be informed that at the time Comrade Fidel was being celebrated as an anti-Communist. According to the Eisenhower administration, the New York Times, the U.S. State Department, Harvard University, Reader’s Digest, and virtually the entire Establishment media chorus, Castro was the “George Washington” of Cuba.

The same chorus heaped scorn and ridicule on the Birch Society founder for daring to besmirch their darling Fidel, and for two years kept bleating their unalloyed praises of the new Cuban “liberator.” Some of these self-anointed “experts” continued their adulation even after Castro, having consolidated his power, himself came forward to boast that he was indeed a Communist and had been one all along. All of which went a long way toward establishing the credibility of Robert Welch and the Birch Society with all who had eyes to see. Moreover, the American people were becoming more and more outraged and were demanding to know how it could be that our government had made yet another terrible mistake, this time installing a Communist dictator on our very doorstep. [Emphases added].

It wasn't just that the Society was getting it right, though. It was Welch's approach of exposing enemies within the government, as opposed to simply debating why socialism is destructive, that made him enemy #1.

The Insiders and Communists were (and are) not much perturbed by the many anti-Communist and patriotic groups that restrict their opposition to the “field of ideas.” What they can’t tolerate is individuals and groups who expose the Communists and the Insiders behind and above the Communists.

The Insiders realized almost immediately that the JBS was not just another “debating society.” They were facing a monolithic organization of highly educated, highly motivated constitutionalist activists carrying out a concerted, coordinated action agenda under the direction of a very capable and determined leader who could not be bribed, corrupted, intimidated, or diverted. They understood that Robert Welch was not bluffing when he said, “We do not intend to devolve into any loose organization, but to become a more tightly knit and more effective brotherhood with every passing month. We know what we want and where we are going, and we mean business every step of the way.” [Emphasis added].

And Welch organized his Society in a way that kept those influenced by him from getting lost in a debate about political parties, instead educating all he could reach in an effort to allow them to always choose the politician most in line with principles of freedom, regardless of party affiliations.

Moreover, this organization did not get diverted and bogged down in politics. “Education is our total strategy and truth is our only weapon,” Robert Welch repeatedly reminded members of the Society. He had the wisdom to recognize that the prerequisite for any positive, long-lasting political progress was the creation of an informed electorate. And that could only be created through a core base of activists who are committed to constitutional principles above political personalities and party agendas. 

Welch soon established a nationwide network of local chapters guided by a full-time, paid field staff, a book publishing arm, bookstores, audio and film production, a speakers bureau, specialized ad hoc committees, and a host of other weapons of truth for this educational army. [Emphasis added].

Normally, truth seekers like Welch are ignored, for fear of making them even more popular by bringing attention to them with hit pieces. When Welch demonstrated his effectiveness, though, his enemies quickly switched to very public attacks on him despite the lack of any legitimate charges to lay against him.

In its first months of existence, the Society scored a major victory by organizing a nationwide protest against the 1959 Eisenhower-Khrushchev Summit . . . Public reaction was so favorable to the Birch ad campaign, and so unfavorable to President Eisenhower’s overtures toward the “Butcher of Budapest,” that Khrushchev’s anticipated propaganda coup was a crashing failure and the Eisenhower return visit to Moscow was called off. Once back in Moscow, a furious Khrushchev delivered a scathing speech reporting on his visit. “There are forces in the United States working against us,” he said. “They must be publicly whipped, subjected to the torments of Hell!”

Those torments were not long in coming. The Communist attack was launched on February 25, 1961, with a lead smear in People’s World, an official newspaper of the Communist Party, under the headline “Enter (from stage right) the John Birch Society.” The Society found itself falsely accused of racism, anti-Semitism, fascism, Nazism, Ku Kluxism, and the entire litany of defamatory labels. Birchers were called paranoids, extremists, radicals, super-patriots, hatemongers, bigots, subversives, lunatics, and fanatics . . .

[W]hen Time magazine, and then much of the rest of the mainstream media, quickly followed with a sustained torrent of screeching tirades echoing the same charges as the People’s World, it was evident to all knowledgeable anti-Communists that the Society was in for a smear the likes of which had not been seen since Senator Joseph McCarthy had been singled out for similar treatment a decade earlier. . [Emphases added].


Another Biblical value is appreciation. In fact, the word Jew, adapted from the German Jude which is adapted from the Hebrew Yehudi, expresses the thanks a Jew is expected to give to their Creator on a daily basis. 

Expressing gratitude and appreciation go to the heart of who we are as Jews. The definition of the word Jew in English, or Yehudi in Hebrew, is derived from the word “Hodaah”, which means to thank or acknowledge G-d.

The Biblical requirement to show appreciation is, of course, not limited to the benevolence of the Creator. The need to show appreciation for the kindness of others, extends to foreign nations in which Jews find refuge.

And seek the peace of the city where I have exiled you and pray for it to the Lord, for in its peace you shall have peace. (Jeremiah 29:7).

Orthodox Jews therefore pray for the welfare of the nations in which they reside in appreciation of being permitted to live their lives as Jews. This is perhaps most applicable to the United States, a nation which accepted some two million East European Jews escaping deadly pogroms from 1880 until the start of the first World War, providing them with the same religious and economic freedoms enjoyed by all Americans. 

The sacrifice of young American soldiers in the defeat of the Nazis and the liberation of the death camps cemented this view among observant Jews, many of whom would recoil at the idea of their secular brothers taking an attitude like the one expressed in this hypothetical statement of a grandchild of immigrants:

Thanks for being there, America. Now abandon the religious values upon which the nation was founded, prohibit even nonsectarian prayer, creationism or the mention of G-d in taxpayer-funded schools, legalize abortion, permit two men to marry and adopt young boys, cancel religious exemptions for mandatory vaccinations, pass "environmental" legislation to close thousands of factories and let them reopen in China. If there isn't enough support for those positions then send the FBI to persecute the resistance, open your borders to allow in future aligned voters and appoint judges to shield election officials from voter fraud scrutiny.

Those who espouse such beliefs, whether they are Jewish or Gentile, do so despite, not due to, the religion into which they were born, allowing socialist or even Marxist agendas to determine their politics.

Creating antisemitism

Joe Biden's choice of a non-observant Jew as the attorney general to lead what has been called a “two-tiered justice system," in which religious Americans are the targeted tier, adds to the image of Jewish Americans lacking appreciation. 

There are, of course, many Gentiles who were prepared to fill that role, though. Biden's choice of someone from the approximately one percent of Americans who are Jewish may not have been by chance. Frontline News previously reported on what might be behind the appointments and substantial media coverage of so called “progressive” Jews:

[A]ccording to [Rabbi Marvin] Antelman, non-believing Jews were specifically chosen by the Left to hold prominent positions so that Jews could be blamed for the harms caused by their policies

"[T]hey found them most suited to their ends, as the Communists or the CFR [Council on Foreign Relations] elitists of today do, to utilize . . . these Jewish-born apostates. They were especially placed in conspicuous positions so as to insure a victory of sorts if they would not succeed—thus polarizing among the masses those who would be stupid enough to blame the Jews for Illuminism, Revolution, Bundism, Socialism or Communism. [p. 28]. [Emphasis added].

And Biden specifically chose for attorney general a judge whose grandparents were among the pre-World War I refugees who benefited from America's benevolence, arriving in the US in 1907 and 1910 from Lithuania and Poland, respectively, during a time of pogroms. 

ADL vs. American Jews

The ADL not only damaged an organization fighting to keep America free (a freedom at the center of the mass immigration of Jews to the nation's shores), but it claims to have represented American Jewry in so doing. It turns out, though, that American Jewry is not nearly as Leftist as the ADL leadership. 

Rabbi Professor Dov Fischer recently examined a demographic study of the Jewish population and concluded that, “Almost half of American 'Jews' actually are not Jewish.” Those Jews who are being counted by pollsters as Jews due to a Jewish relative, but not because they are Jewish, are overwhelmingly Democrat, thus skewing the true nature of Jewish voting patterns.

[W]hen pollsters state that 70 percent of American Jews vote Democrat and 30 percent Republican, know that the divide among actual Jews towards Democrat liberalism probably lies more along the lines of 55-45 percent, more akin to Catholic voting patterns. [Emphasis added].

Check back as we continue our series on Gentiles who love Jews and the Jews who hate them