Gender-confused killer was driven by anti-White hate, leaked documents reveal

The gender-confused killer who massacred three children and three adults at a Nashville elementary school in March was driven by a violent hatred for White people, according to leaked documents.

Political commentator Steven Crowder Monday published the three-page manifesto of Audrey Hale, the woman who gunned down schoolchildren and staffers at The Covenant School on March 27th. Hale, who at one point claimed to be attracted to other women, later claimed to be a man and was lionized after she was killed in a shootout with police.

On the day of the massacre — what Hale called “DEATH DAY” in her manifesto — the killer wrote how excited she was about her plan to kill the children and expressed relief that she had not been discovered by authorities.

"The day has finally come!" Hale wrote. "I can't believe its [sic] here. Don't know how I was able to get this far, but here I am. I'm a little nervous but excited too. Been excited for the past 2 weeks."

"There were several times I could have been caught especially back in the summer of 2021. None of that matters now. I am almost an hour & 7 minutes away,” she continued.

“Can’t believe I’m doing this, but I’m ready. I hope my victims aren’t,” Hale wrote, adding that she hoped to have “a high death count.”

Hale detailed her schedule for the day, beginning with eating breakfast at 6:30 AM, getting dressed, and packing her rifle, two guns, magazines, and bulletproof vest. Estimating that lunchtime at the school would be between 11 AM and 1 PM, Hale planned to “open fire” by 12:35, after which it would be “time 2 die.”

On one page of the manifesto dated February 3rd and titled "Kill those kids!!!” Hale referred to the schoolchildren as “those crackers... going to fancy private schools with those fancy khakis + sports backpacks w/ their daddies mustangs + convertibles."

"F*ck you little sh*ts," she wrote. “Wanna kill all you little crackers!!! Bunch of little faggots w/ your white privileges f*ck you faggots." 

Following the shooting the Metro Nashville Police Department promised to release the manifesto to the public but then suddenly and inexplicably reversed their decision.

Gender totalitarians mourned Hale after she was killed while slaughtering children. “Hate has consequences,” wrote a group calling itself the Trans Resistance Network, explaining that the massacre was a consequence of “anti-trans hate.” Reporter Andy Ngo notes that hours later, demonstrators occupied the capitol in Nashville to protest legislation banning the genital mutilation of children. They held a moment of silence for The Covenant School shooting and held up seven fingers, counting Hale among the victims.

Three days after the shooting the White House proclaimed March 31st as Transgender Day of Visibility and urged Americans to “work toward eliminating violence and discrimination against all transgender, gender nonconforming, and nonbinary people.”

Analysts say Hale was inspired by two years of anti-White rhetoric from the White House. Joe Biden has consistently declared “White supremacy” as the greatest threat to America despite even FBI agents reporting they have a hard time finding evidence of such sentiment.