AFLDS announces Frontline Pedia launch

Over 350 sources covering over 15 key topics, Frontline Pedia undercuts the mainstream COVID narrative piece by piece.

Ever wanted to know exactly what studies show lockdowns were a mistake? To what extent was big tech censoring alternative voices? What is the basis for early treatments? 

The Pedia aims to answer these questions.

When your friend tells you that the science is settled and masks save lives, now you have a place to go that will explain the issue, put the facts in perspective and always show the sources.     

Written in a clear easy to read format, the Pedia walks the reader through how the government’s response to COVID was ineffective and damaging by citing mainstream and scientific references. 

Frontline Pedia aims to document the exaggeration of the risks from COVID, the downplaying of the damage caused by containment policies, and the suppression and censoring of alternative, science-backed positions. Included here are diverse sources and pieces of evidence that together show that these policies have not met their required burden of proof, and in many cases led to significant damage.

The project’s purpose is to be the first stop for anyone who is starting to question any of the mainstream COVID responses, from lockdowns to masks, treatments, and vaccinations, 

The number and depth of the issues covered are continually growing. 

The Pedia is for lawyers who are bringing cases that challenge COVID policies, giving them the specific evidence to make the case. 

Doctors and researchers can widen their knowledge on treatments, vaccination safety, and how COVID policies have impacted kids.

But most of all the project exists to inform the non-expert, the average citizen whose voice has been muted, declared non-essential and dismissed for lacking an “expert designation". 

Frontline Pedia will empower citizens who want to fight back and win on the battlefield of ideas by giving them the facts - in one place and clearly explained.