French drug assessment center demands withdrawal of all four widely-used COVID vaccines 'as a matter of urgency'

LifeSiteNews reports a regional independent drug assessment center, the CTIAP (Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques), linked to the Cholet public hospital in western France, recently published a report showing that the vaccines used against COVID were not only subjected to insufficient clinical testing, but that the quality of the active substances, their “excipients, some of which are new,” and the manufacturing processes are problematic.

“These new excipients should be considered as new active substances,” the Cholet hospital team said.

According to the CTIAP, all of the vaccines were placed on market and used on human beings before "proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product" was produced.

The team, led by pharmacist Dr. Catherine Frade, worked on public data released by the EMA with relation to the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) shots.

The authors of the report consider that the “variabilities, which impact the very core of the product, could even invalidate any clinical trials conducted” in the coming months and years.

The report, translated by LifeSiteNews, says: "Can we imagine launching a car manufacturing line and putting vehicles on the road, despite the uncertainties noted in the official documents published? These uncertainties are related to the quality of the parts making up the engine and the various other parts, including those related to safety, the manufacturing process, the reproducibility of the batches that are being marketed, etc.

"In the field of medicines (including vaccines), the pharmaceutical act of 'release' of the finished product (an authorized product intended for sale) constitutes the final stage of control that precedes the release of these products to the population. This key step of “release” is under the pharmaceutical responsibility of the manufacturers."

They conclude: “Prudence would even dictate that, in all countries where these vaccines against COVID-19 have been marketed, all the batches thus ‘released’ should be withdrawn immediately; and that these MAs that have been granted should be suspended, or even canceled, as a matter of urgency until further notice.”