Freedom Convoy donors harassed by mobs, Canadian media

People who donated money to the Freedom Convoy currently protesting COVID mandates in Canada are being harassed and threatened by pro-Trudeau activists, as well as the state-funded media.

Weeks ago, the GoFundMe crowdfunding platform shut down the convoy’s campaign which had already raised over $10 million. The convoy organizers then moved to GiveSendGo, another crowdfunding platform, and raised over $8 million within a week. 

This time, the Canadian government was unable to shut down the campaign. 

But just two days ago, the platform was hacked. A journalist and left-wing activist named Dean Blundell gleefully published a list of all the individuals who donated to the anti-mandate cause to his social media account and his 75.5K followers. The list includes the donors’ first and last names, zip codes and email addresses. 

"Trudeau is calling a State of Emergency to give the people their f*cking city back tomorrow and I think you might see some guy’s heads get freedom from their shoulders,” wrote Blundell. “Oh, and expect the organizers to be in major-league trouble.  The kind that you don’t get to litigate. Fighting objective reality is going to get weird tomorrow." 

Now, reports are pouring in of those donors being seriously threatened by pro-mandate mobs. 

Tammy Guiliani is one such individual, who had to close the Stella Luna Gelato Café after she and her staff were threatened.  

"We got a call from the team saying, 'We're getting phone calls here,'" Giuliani told the Ottawa Citizen. "I said, 'What's going on?' and they said, 'They're threatening to throw bricks through our window. They're threatening to come and get us.' We said, 'Lock the door and we'll find out what's going on.'" 

"When a group of people first decided they were going to travel across the country to spread this message of solidarity, it seemed like a beacon of hope for small businesses like us," Giuliani told the Ottawa Citizen

Guiliani had donated a small sum to the trucker convoy. In her message accompanying her donation, she wrote, "Now I’m giving you $250 and taking food down to the truckers every day. Thank you for continuing to fight for Canadians across this country." 

Others besides Guiliani are also becoming targets of the anti-freedom hordes. 

“My manager has been getting random emails from people, presumably asking for my termination,” another social media post says. “I did nothing illegal and didn’t violate any social media or political activity directives of my employer. It’s just stressful as I wait for it to blow over.” 

Another user wrote, “What can we do? This Ottawa account is doxing all Ottawans who donated and tagging employers. I’m terrified of losing my income and not being able to provide for my children!” 

Perhaps even more disturbing are reports that the state-funded media are joining in the harassment. 

“BREAKING: Trudeau's CBC state broadcaster is combing through the illegally hacked database of GiveSendGo donors, and emailing donors asking them to explain themselves,” tweeted Ezra Levant of Rebel News.  

CTV News outright admitted to doing just that. 

“Have spent the last two days calling local people who have donated to the trucker convoy. Including a former MP, several business owners, health care professionals and a property developer,” tweeted CTV Ottawa Chief Anchor Graham Richardson. “Trying to understand why they support this. Very few calls back #ottnews #OccupiedOttawa.”