France elections are grave warning for US

The elections currently underway in France have sparked a conversation on social media that may be a serious warning for Americans who want to see election integrity in the 2024 presidential elections, and even the 2022 midterms. 

French ballots have just closed for the first round of the presidential election, with National Rally Party's Marine Le Pen following close behind globalist incumbent President Emmanuel Macron.  

Le Pen is being called “far-right” by mainstream media, perhaps for previously advocating for “Frexit”, where France would secede from the European Union. Le Pen also once borrowed money from a Russian bank and met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2017, leading many corporate media outlets to disparage her as a “Russian apologist” and “Putin sympathizer”. 

But on social media, two sides of a debate raging among Americans has some on the Left appearing to suggest that methods other than elections should be used in order to “prevent” a Le Pen election. 

“LePen cannot win the election in France. She just can’t,” tweeted one user who calls herself a “feminist and civil rights activist” with a Ukrainian flag next to her name. “If that happens, the alliance will be fractured, for she is a disciple of Putin. Pray, send positive thoughts, do whatever to help Macron win."

Another user, who describes himself as a “social democrat” and also has a Ukrainian flag next to his name, said a Le Pen election needs to be prevented. “France does not want a French Trump in Marine Le Pen! Prevent her election if you want a France that resembles a civilized nation. That means you need to ensure the re-election of Macron.” 

Other accounts by Left-wing terror group Antifa and others are calling for a violent revolution to ensure a Le Pen loss.  

French leftists have already begun violently rioting in the streets of Rennes to protest Le Pen coming in close in the first round. The U.S. State Department has issued a travel advisory to France. 

However, many on the Right, who recall the illegitimacy of the 2020 election and its current aftermath, are pointing out that even France can hold free and fair elections. 

“Hungary had an election, and now France, without anyone stopping the count. No ‘pipes bursting’. No one going home to take a nap. Fascinating.” - Mike Cernovich, political commentator 

“I have a buddy in France, and they just had an election there. Polls closed a few hours ago and they already know who the winners are. Must be nice to live in a first world country.” - JD Vance, candidate for U.S. Senate 

“The socialist nation of France held elections today. In that election there was no mail-in voting, early voting or use of voting machines. There was a mandatory proof of ID to vote. Why can’t we get that basic election security here?” - U.S. Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) 

“France just held a nationwide election w/:  no early voting or mail-in ballots, mandatory voter ID, no voting machines, verified results within hours. We don’t have this in America because Democrats don’t want it, and most Republicans are too weak to force the issue.” - U.S. Senatorial candidate Jake Bequette 

“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it,” once said Winston Churchill.