FLASHBACK: Disgraced UK health official slams ‘dangerous anti-vaxxers’

An article by disgraced former UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock slamming those who questioned the COVID-19 vaccines as “dangerous” has resurfaced just as the health official finds himself beset by public scandal.

The Telegraph this month published leaked text messages from December 2020 between Hancock and his adviser which reveal that Hancock wanted to “deploy” a new COVID-19 variant to scare the public.

In what some are referring to as “Project Fear” Hancock discussed with media adviser Damon Poole how to use a new strain called the “Kent variant” to “frighten the pants” off UK citizens.

Hancock also sparked outrage in June 2021 after The Sun published photos of the health secretary embracing paramour Gina Coladangelo after insisting Britons follow his physical distancing rules. This came after Hancock blamed a surge in COVID-19 infections on people who were violating physical distancing rules.

Now an article Hancock wrote in September 2021 has resurfaced in which the shamed former health secretary spreads disinformation and says “anti-vaxxers” are the most dangerous group he has ever seen in public life.

“In all my time in public life, I have never come across a group so blinkered and dangerous as the anti-vaxxers,” he wrote, complaining that “one in ten” still have not taken the injections.

“Yet we know that the more people get jabbed, the less likely the virus is to spread, the more the NHS is protected, and the easier it is to open up our society and economy. Getting the jab isn't just about protecting yourself, but about protecting others. It's not just about you, it is a social and moral obligation,” Hancock claimed.

The official went on to insist the vaccines “work” and are “safe” and that “serious side effects are very rare indeed.” He also claimed they do not affect fertility though the mRNA vaccine has already been shown to impact male fertility and at least one Pfizer executive has expressed certainty that it affects female fertility as well.

Hancock then confidently said, “[T]he Covid vaccines rollout is one of the most intensively researched, clinically led, carefully monitored programmes any Government has ever embarked on,” though the CDC has already admitted otherwise.

“Unless you have a medical condition, there's simply no excuse to stay one of the unjabbed,” Hancock continued, adding that “even if you are one of the unlucky ones and catch Covid after you've been jabbed, the chances are that the effects will be much less serious.”

“The people I reserve my vitriol for are those who promote anti-vax lies,” he clarified. “I find it hard to believe, but it's a shocking fact that there is a small number of aggressive, noisy, threatening people who think it is right and fair to try to stop others from getting vaccinated."

The lengths to which these people will go are extraordinary. They pump out scaremongering material and videos, with discredited arguments. They try to play on people's fear of the unknown. They create conspiracies and spread misinformation. They've even sent me death threats just because I played a prominent part in the vaccines rollout.

Thankfully, they are losing the argument. The overwhelming number of people who've had the jab is testament to that.

Hancock praised the media for propagating the government’s messaging on the vaccine and called on more people to get vaccinated to “beat these miserable anti-scientific gloomsters”.

“Protect the nation's health and the freedoms we love. Get the jab. It's right for you, it's right by the science, and, more than that, it is right for your family, community, and country,” he concluded.