First International Day of Tribute to recognize those affected by vaccines

The First International Day of Tribute to recognize those affected by vaccines was held Saturday, as activists held simultaneous protests in various parts of the world, including Argentina, Bolivia, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Uruguay, United States, and Sweden. Rallies, banners, a photo exhibit of the affected, testimonies, and theatrical presentations of the last three years were presented.

Citizens in Spain and Italy were among the organizers. In Spain until February of this year, masks were still mandated while suspended in the rest of the world. 

The protests marked a day to break the silence, speak out, and publicly denounce death due to COVID-19 injections and the adverse effects that many currently suffer - without corresponding medical attention. Many are considered to be rambling and even mentally unstable as they relate their sudden health problems to the shots. Testimonials in Spanish can be seen here.

The movement's Manifest explains "the reason for this worldwide event is to give voice, unconditional support and acceptance to the invisible, to the silenced , to those who suffer the terrible consequences of vaccines,” demanding recognition of the damage caused and appropriate care, that censorship be stopped, and that the actors in this "crime against humanity" be held responsible.

“We have already seen it happen before, for example, with the victims of thalidomide or human papilloma vaccines, who have already suffered in their lives what we now suffer. There have and there will always be people affected, because no substance or pharmacological product is risk-free”, states the Manifesto.

Something distinctive about the march was wearing a red "V" on the right side of the chest, "We wear this red V on our chest, near our hearts, which represents the lives (vidas) that have been stolen from us, the vaccine victims; V is for vulnerable, but also for the visibility that we are denied, the truth (verdad) that we deserve, the courage (valentía) with which we face each passing day, of our will (voluntad) to compensate the harm done and prevent something similar from ever happening again to anyone; and above all a V for victory in which TOGETHER we will get through this.”

Dr. Natalia Prego from Spain, urged the government to “sue Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Johnson for manipulation and deception of scientific and medical information.”

Dr. Karina Acevedo from Mexico, expressed: “This state we live in will only end if we give a voice to the people who have been affected. Only in this way we can hope to change this journey humanity is going through.”

Dr. Mauricio Quiñónez from Ecuador addressed health system workers: “Remember health professional, you who live in silence, tormented by what you are seeing, the time has come to speak."

As a sign of support of those affected, the Spanish LIBERUM Association will publicize confidential PSUR (Periodic Safety Update Reports) documents that the EMA (European Medicines Agency) had withheld. “Pharmacists informed the EMA of the possible adverse effects… the European Commission was aware of all the problems that the use of these substances could entail. Therefore, the States were aware of what was going to happen, and yet they went ahead no matter what happened to the citizenry. These documents are extremely important, their publication is our contribution to those affected,” said LIBERUM.

On May 20, in Lisbon, Portugal, a protest will be held against the "Bilderberg Club" and WHO meeting to be held that day.

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