Fear, sadism, and identity: The Wise Men of Twitter

America’s Frontline News Sunday got a close look at how some internet users react when faced with evidence of human suffering as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. 

On Saturday, a clip was tweeted by Angelia Desselle, a victim of Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection, showing her legs convulsing uncontrollably. “Thanks, Pfizer,” Desselle wrote above the video, which has now gone viral.

Desselle has spoken publicly many times about the convulsions and partial paralysis she suffered after getting injected by the Pfizer shot early last year. She has also testified before the Louisiana House of Representatives Health and Welfare Committee. 

Nevertheless, Desselle was immediately attacked by Twitter users who tried to discredit her by saying the video was fake. 

America’s Frontline News Director Mordechai Sones, who has investigated Desselle's case, replied to comments disparaging the video and casting aspersions on Desselle's honesty. 

“I've interviewed @AngeliaDesselle, have seen her medical papers, and can vouch for her case. Some comments here are repugnant,” Sones tweeted. 

But instead of giving pause after hearing Desselle’s story corroborated, the internet users turned on Sones, now even more sure that the video was fake. 

“And I have beachfront property in Iowa to sell,” said one, whose profile contains 11 years-worth of tweets that have gone ignored by the internet.

“Can I interest you in a bridge ?” replied another, whose bio suggests he often accuses people of having no evidence.

“No one feels bad for a faker,” said a user with the utmost confidence. 

“No you haven't,” confidently reacted another. 

“Nope,” asserted yet another. 

Other users, equally offended on Pfizer's behalf, accused Sones and Desselle of spreading false information for money. 

It is unclear if these users made the same accusations of the pharmaceutical giants who injected them, such as Pfizer and Moderna. A quick glance at their Twitter profiles shows that they also do not accuse the same of politicians such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, who remains the highest-paid employee in the U.S. government. But when shown video evidence of an adverse reaction, they asked to see the books. 

“And how much do you charge per hour?” said one, whose profile reveals a deep adoration for the Pfizer vaccine. 

“Sir I am here to inspect your wallet,” snarked another. 

Other users replied with tweets that may reveal a genitalia obsession. 

Still others appeared angry, though their tweets were too incoherent to explain why. 

“Bro you look like you love goats way too much, I don't trust a word you say.” 

America’s Frontline News spoke with Dr. Mark McDonald, MD in an attempt to understand what drives the abusive nature of people like the above users. 

In his analysis, Dr. McDonald said that this class of people suffers from a collection of distinct problems, beginning with fear. 

“After more than two years, a vocal minority remains truly terrified of a Chinese virus that they have allowed to occupy their entire emotional attention,” said the renowned psychiatrist. He went on to say that they ignore true threats to their existence and instead focus on the “medically meaningless but socially virtuous” COVID-19 virus. 

“This represents nothing other than a symptom of an obsessive compulsive disorder,” he said. “It is a mental illness that requires treatment.” 

Another problem suffered by these people is sadism, shared Dr. McDonald. To these individuals, “mocking the injured who either refuse to take mRNA injections or point out their injuries after having taken them is not only an acceptable practice but is actually a public service,” he said. “Taking pleasure in the suffering of others who hold the wrong political viewpoint is now lauded as virtuous.” 

The third problem they have, said Dr. McDonald, is that they have no identity. 

“They observe and follow the herd, and take their cues from those around them,” he observed. “They would rather be wrong and in the majority than right and in the minority.” 

Their main care is what others think about them, according to the medical-legal expert. 

“For them, their value is determined by how others perceive them. If they feel that a large proportion of Americans support them in their cruelty, then they will engage in it, even if it is objectively immoral.” 

Unfortunately, said the psychoanalyst, these people are unable to display courage, and “are empty vessels, waiting to be filled with propaganda of legacy media and partisan politics.” 

At the root of all of the above is what Dr. McDonald called “a nouveau narcissism”. He defines this as “a sick and perverse trait that appears to have defined contemporary American life. The hyper focus on the self has become dominant, at the exclusion of all else.” 

Today, Desselle credits America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) with helping her recover her mobility. 

“If it wasn’t for Dr. Jay Flotmann with AFLDS… I don’t think I would be here today. When I lost the use [of] my legs again last June, I was in a very dark place. He prescribed me ivermectin and it literally got me walking again,” she told America’s Frontline News.