FBI kills man after he allegedly posted threats against Biden, FBI

The FBI Wednesday morning killed a Utah man who allegedly posted threatening messages online against Biden, the FBI, and New York City DA Alvin Bragg just hours before Biden was scheduled to arrive in Utah.

Craig Robertson, who neighbors described as “nearly 80 years old, 300 pounds, and can barely get around with a cane” had been under FBI surveillance for months for his social media posts. The FBI claims they saw the man “wearing a dark suit (later observed as having an AR-15 style rifle lapel pin attached), a white shirt, a red tie, and a multi-colored (possibly camouflage) hat bearing the word ‘TRUMP’ on the front,” according to Deseret News.

In a 37-page sealed complaint, the FBI reportedly claims Robertson wrote several posts threatening Biden on Facebook: “I hear Biden is coming to Utah. Digging out my old ghille suit and cleaning the dust off the m24 sniper rifle. Welcom, buffoon-in-chief!” The FBI claims he also mused whether Utah would become known “as the place a sniper took out Biden the Marxist” and suggested Utahns shoot at Air Force One if they saw it flying overhead.

Robertson’s Facebook page on which he allegedly made these threats and others was taken down Wednesday.

The FBI also claims Robertson wrote similar messages about former President Barack Obama, DA Alvin Bragg, who is currently prosecuting Trump, and the FBI: “Hey FBI, you still monitoring my social media? Checking so I can be sure to have a loaded gun handy in case you drop by again.”

In the complaint, the FBI had charged Robertson with interstate threats; influencing, impeding and retaliating against federal law enforcement officers by threat; and threats against the president.

Neighbors say around 50 FBI agents arrived at Robertson’s home early Wednesday morning and called for the man to come out. They took a battering ram to the back door of the house and threw in several flashbang grenades. Between five and six gunshots were heard, though it is unknown if any of them belonged to Robertson. 

Robertson’s neighbor Nyla Rollins said the scene was such that she thought Robertson’s house was on fire. 

In the absence of evidence that Robertson had fired on authorities, neighbors expressed shock that Robertson could be killed simply for social media posts.

“I don’t really care who’s president, I don’t think it’s cool to make threats like that, whether they’re legitimate threats or not. Again, Craig, I would say, is a big story teller and likes the attention of big stories,” neighbor Cooper Robinson said. “So a man that sits at home all day, doesn’t have much to do, if he’s on his phone and is involved in politics and has strong political opinions, I’m not surprised that he would make posts like that to try to receive attention. I’m just hoping that the FBI has some more evidence besides Facebook posts to want to raid his house like they did.”

The FBI has not released details about how the incident unfolded or even publicly confirmed the man who was killed is the man named in the complaint, reports CBS News.. The Secret Service only released this statement: 

The Secret Service is aware of the FBI investigation involving an individual in Utah who has exhibited threats towards a protectee. While we always remain in close coordination with our law enforcement partners, this is an FBI-led effort and we would refer any related questions to the FBI.

The incident comes as the bureau is already facing resentment by the American people, most of whom believe it serves as “Biden’s personal gestapo.” The FBI is also known for raiding the homes of its political opponents, with or without cause.

This is perhaps one of the factors that has contributed to rising rebellious sentiment among Americans. A 2021 University of Chicago survey found that 28% of Americans feel “it may be necessary at some point soon for citizens to take up arms against the government.”