Memo: FBI investigated employee for views on COVID vaccines, Trump

Internal FBI documents disclosed last week show that the bureau investigated an employee for his stance on COVID-19 vaccines and his support for President Donald Trump.

Clearance revoked, suspended without pay

Empower Oversight, a government watchdog group, included the documents in a letter to Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The letter revealed that the employee, whose name has been redacted, was forced to resign from his post after the FBI Security Division revoked his security clearance and suspended him without pay indefinitely.

The basis for the decision by FBI higher-ups appears to have come from an investigation launched against the employee after January 6, 2021. The employee, who worked for the FBI for 12 years, attended the rally at the Capitol that day while he was on personal leave and “observed” the events that unfolded. He then reported himself to the FBI in “good faith” for being present at the Capitol rally. He was subjected to a polygraph test, which showed that he did not knowingly enter any restricted areas.

‘Didn’t buy into vaccine’

Shortly thereafter, the FBI Security Division began investigating the employee. They questioned at least three of his colleagues, who were threatened with having their security clearances revoked if they did not cooperate or answer truthfully. Documents show that the Security Division (SecD) asked them whether they heard the employee “vocalize support for President Trump,” “vocalize objection for COVID-19 vaccination,” or “vocalize intent to attend 01/06/2021.”

One colleague wrote that the employee “very significantly supported” Trump and “would listen to talk shows. Trump did not lose. Dems stole it. Militant point of view. Never implied would do anything aggressive/physical.”

In response to the question about COVID-19 vaccination, another colleague wrote: “Didn’t buy into vaccine. Did not get vaccine. Anti-vaxxer. Did testing to continue working. Talked about alternatives to stay healthy. No anti-FBI rhetoric. Did not agree but did what was required. Would try to find loop holes to get around mandates. Nothing seemed extreme.”

Regarding January 6th, a colleague wrote that he knew the employee “planned to go.”

FBI trying to ‘purge’ employees

“The documents appear to demonstrate SecD's political bias and abuse of the security clearance process to purge the FBI of employees who expressed disfavored political views or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine requirement,” wrote Empower Oversight in the letter to Inspector General Horowitz.

In March 2022, then-FBI Executive Assistant Director Jennifer Leigh Moore revoked the employee’s security clearance. He was then suspended indefinitely without pay. The employee filed an appeal in April this year, which has yet to be granted or denied. Empower Oversight noted that the employee’s clearance revocation affects his efforts to find other employment. The watchdog group also suggested that the FBI may be purposely holding up the appeals process to negatively impact the employee's job hunt.