FBI fails to act on evidence of planned shootings

Frontline News recently reported on the FBI’s refusal to interview victims of sexual assault on property under federal jurisdiction, allowing the predator to go on to attack an additional 90 young women and children training for the Olympics.

Not just gymnasts

The failure of the FBI to interview even famous victims of pedophilia on federally controlled property comes on the heels of a string of other failures to act.

The Federalist goes so far as to argue that the FBI’s failures are so grand, neglecting to act even on solid evidence of potential mass shootings, that no choice remains but, “to shut down the FBI and start over from scratch.” The list of failures highlighted in their article, “An FBI So Corrupt It Lets Mass Shooters Rampage,” include,

  • Colorado mass shooter Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa had been on the FBI’s radar before he murdered 10 people in a grocery store … According to a police affidavit, six days before Alissa shot 10 people to death, he purchased a pistol. That would have required him to pass a federal background check also run by the FBI
  • Sen. Rand Paul … grilled FBI Director James Comey about the “known wolf” problem — of 14 Islamist attacks in the U.S. during Obama’s tenure, the FBI had been aware of at least 12 before the violence erupted, and did nothing.
    • For example, the 2009 Fort Hood shooter, who killed 13; the Boston Marathon bombers of 2013 who killed three and injured 264; and the Pulse nightclub shooter who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more. All were known to the FBI and several had been interviewed by the FBI before they went on killing sprees.
  • The FBI had also been warned numerous times about the Parkland, Florida school shooter, before he killed 17 and injured 17 more in 2018. 
  • It also knew beforehand about the 2018 Nashville, Tennessee Waffle House shooter, who killed four and injured two more, and the 2020 Nashville RV bomber.

Co-opting the FBI 

These failures come despite the federal police agency enjoying public funding of over $10 billion for salaries and expenses of 13,616 special agents, 3,287 intelligence analysts, and 20,042 professional staff. Lest one get the impression that those 36,945 FBI employees can be found at the proverbial doughnut shops, here’s what they have been doing.

Politicized policing

The Federalist accuses the FBI of allowing politics to drive their investigations.

While the FBI has been failing to stop terrorist attacks by known threats … it has conducted numerous political operations on behalf of Democrats. The ones we know about include Crossfire Hurricane‘s use of federal spy power to affect election outcomes and prevent effective governance by elected Republicans. That operation included spying on Fox News.

Jan 6

The treatment of participants in the January 6th protest in the Capitol is perhaps the most glaring example of political policing. 

While letting much worse leftwing violence from well-documented “extremist” networks continue largely unchecked on federal property in Portland and elsewhere, the FBI has placed “thousands” of billboards across the country seeking tips to ferret out all private citizens who were at the capitol  …

It also appears the FBI is using its police power to prosecute people in connection with the Capitol riot who participated in no violence, including one who never went inside the Capitol nor harmed any person or public property …

Such a nationwide manhunt requires considerable resources, as USA Today reported.

. . . agents in all but one of the FBI’s 56 field offices have been drafted to track down those who participated in the deadly insurrection. Investigators who typically work cases involving the trafficking of drugs, child pornography and sex have taken calls from rioter’s angry ex-wives and former girlfriends and employers turned tipsters. They’ve mined tens of thousands of photos and videos. They followed trails rioters left on social media … [Emphases added].


When USA Today called the protest deadly, they seemed to be supporting President Biden’s claim that protestors killed five police officers.

. . . how would you feel if you saw crowds storm and break down the doors of the British Parliament, kill five cops, injure 145 — or the German Bundestag or the Italian Parliament? I think you’d wonder,” Biden said. “Well, that’s what the rest of the world saw.

PolitiFact confirmed, however, that one officer, “died of natural causes, and the deaths of four other officers who responded … were by suicide.” Thus, no officers were killed by protestors, although two unarmed female protestors were killed by police.

Murder charges?

Consistent with the factcheck of President Biden’s murder claim, the FBI has not charged any protestor with any killing. A full listing of the  extraordinarily high arrest of nearly 90% of the one thousand protestors who entered the Capitol reveals that a great number of the 865 arrests are protestors charged with various types of trespassing:

Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol building; parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.

America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) founder waives defense of selective prosecution

One person prosecuted for entering the Capitol was actually following a crowd that was waved into the building by Capitol Police, giving her the appearance that it was perfectly legal to be there. That person is AFLDS founder Dr Simone Gold, whose planned medical talk had to be moved due to unexpected crowd movement and was simply following the crowd till she could find a place where she could deliver that speech. Frontline News has detailed how Dr. Gold waived a ‘selective prosecution’ defense and accepted a misdemeanor plea deal in order to move “forward with a renewed focus on offering options besides the broken healthcare system which hurt so many patients and harmed our national interest.”

Crime victims who may be wondering when the FBI will have agents available to assist them may be interested in the resources used to arrest Dr. Gold. 

I was paid a visit by the FBI in a Roger Stone kind of take down moment, which is quite uncalled for. You know, if anybody wanted to get a hold of me, they could have picked up the phone and called. I’m very easy to find. But there were literally twenty guys with guns blazing, [and they] broke down my door.

The doctor’s sentencing is scheduled for June 16, 2022, for one misdemeanor count of knowingly entering and remaining in a restricted building.

Weaponless insurrection?

USA Today also labeled the protest an insurrection, though only 14 protestors face weapons charges, and many are not for gun possession:

Those … weapons include two baseball bats, a can of pepper spray, a walking stick/stun gun, an axe, a few fire extinguishers, a helmet, a riot shield, and a collapsible baton. And at no time did this random weaponry pose a lethal threat to lawmakers inside the Capitol …

Not one person has been charged with possessing or using a gun inside the Capitol …

From inside the congressional chambers

Congressman Andrew Clyde (R-GA) provided this perspective on January 6th protests to the House Oversight Committee:

This hearing is called the capitol insurrection. Let’s be honest with the American people. It was not an insurrection, and we cannot call it that and be truthful. 

The Cambridge Dictionary defines an insurrection as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.” And then from the Century Dictionary: “the act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint, specifically the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state.” 

As one of the members who stayed in the Capitol on the House floor who, with other Republican colleagues, helped barricade the door until almost 3 pm that day from the mob who tried to enter, I can tell you the House floor was never breached and it was not an insurrection. This is the truth. 

There was an undisciplined mob. There were some rioters and some who committed acts of vandalism, but let me be clear: there was no insurrection and to call it an insurrection is a bold-faced lie.

Watching the TV footage of those who entered the capitol and walked through the statuary hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes taking videos and pictures. You know if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January 6 you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.

Please also see our previous articles in this series on the politicization of law enforcement: