Fauci’s parting shot: Beware of unvaccinated

In the last press briefing of his federal career, Dr. Anthony Fauci Tuesday took familiar aim at those who refused the COVID-19 injections, calling them a “real danger”. 

Early in the briefing, which also included White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator and “Founding Father of Lockdowns” Dr. Ashish Jha, MD, MPH, Fauci insisted that “everybody should be vaccinated and boosted with flu and with COVID,” and pushed mask-wearing as an effective prophylactic against COVID-19 despite scientific data indicating otherwise. 

Then, in response to a question from CNN White House Correspondent Jeremy Diamond, Fauci rounded on the unvaccinated. 

“[T]he people who are most at risk are the unvaccinated.  I mean, we have — 68 percent of our population is vaccinated.  You know, that means that we have 32 percent of the population that’s not.” 

Fauci then claimed there is a “profoundly striking” increase in death and hospitalization among the unvaccinated. 

“And if you look at the data, they are just profoundly striking of the curves of death and hospitalization of unvaccinated versus vaccinated versus vaccinated and boosted.  

“So, there is a relatively smaller difference in vaccinated and unboosted versus vaccinated plus boosted.  That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get boosted.” 

Then, the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director repeated Joe Biden’s promise last year that the unvaccinated could anticipate a “winter of illness and death.” 

“But the real danger is in the people who have not been vaccinated,” added Fauci. “So, that’s where we expect — if we’re going to see a problem this winter, it’s going to be among those people.” 

Jha jumped in and added that the unvaccinated are dying in droves, which should be blamed on the spreading of “misinformation”.  

“[T]here are hundreds of thousands of Americans who have died this year because people were under-vaccinated, people did not get their — people weren’t boosted,” claimed Jha. “And it is not blaming the people who died.  It is blaming the fact we still have a lot of people out there spreading misinformation, undermining people’s confidence in vaccines.” 

Fauci also pleaded with Americans to get the shot which he confidently repeated is “safe and effective”. 

“So, we know it’s safe. We know that it is effective.  So, my message and my final message — may be the final message I give you from this podium — is that: Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated COVID-19 shot as soon as you’re eligible to protect yourself, your family, and your community,” Fauci concluded.