Fauci praises China lockdowns, claims vaccines stop infections

White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci praised China’s horrifying lockdowns Wednesday in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell. 

“How concerning is the outbreak in China?” Andrea Mitchell asked. “We see the lockdown in Shanghai and the State Department now ordering families out, all non-essential workers out of Shanghai?” 

In a clear break from science, which overwhelmingly shows that lockdowns provide no health benefits, Fauci praised Chinas lockdowns as being effective in preventing the spread of infections.

“China has a number of problems, two of which are that their complete lockdown, which was their approach, the strictest lockdown that you’d never be able to implement in the United States,” Fauci said, before referring to the Chinese Communist Party’s official data as “accurate”. “Although that prevents the spread of infection, I remember early on they were saying, and I think accurately, they were doing better than almost anybody else.” 

In another snub to science, Fauci then appeared to claim that the vaccine prevents infections and transmissions, a claim debunked by Fauci himself as well as Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky

“But lockdown has its consequences,” Fauci went on. “You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated so that when you open up, you won’t have a surge of infections.” 

At no point did Fauci seem to condemn China’s harsh lockdowns which have recently been sending shock waves through Western societies. Disturbing footage has been circulating showing results of the lockdowns such as suicides, beatings, imprisonment, animal killings and child abuse. 

Instead, Fauci’s condemnation of China’s approach to COVID-19 was that the country’s vaccines aren’t effective enough. 

“The problem is, that the vaccines that they’ve been using are not nearly as effective as the vaccines that are used in the United States, the UK, [the] EU, and other places,” he continued. “So, they don’t have the degree of protection that’s optimal.”