Fascist anti-fascists; Antifa exposed

In the latest Antifa violence against innocent victims, a woman protesting exposure of children to adult sexuality was bashed over the head with a stick wielded by an Antifa operative. 

This comes as no surprise to those who have seen various exposés on the violence advocated by the group. An infiltrator working with James O'Keefe took undercover video of their training sessions for physically attacking citizens exercising their First Amendment rights to protest, explaining Antifa's philosophy as “anything necessary”: “[T]hey would say on their website that these were defensive classes. But all the tactics they used were offensive. . . . [T]hey'll use violence, they'll any tactics to get their way.” 


In an effort to conceal their violence, Antifa implored its members and supporters to remove evidence of their physical attacks from social media.

Journalists are regularly targeted to prevent their scrutiny and keep away their cameras.

No one has covered Antifa more, and almost no one has been more seriously assaulted in attempting to do so, than journalist Andy Ngo, who suffered a brain hemorrhage in a vicious attack by the group, which he described in an interview with Sky News:

Ngo noted that, while Antifa operatives were covering up their crimes by wearing all black and masks in a strategy known as "black bloc" (3:28), legacy media were assisting Antifa's cover up by blaming him for Antifa's violence, as pointed out by the interviewer:

[D]espite that assault, the second half of it, being caught on video and just being such a despicable violent assault, there were so many people within the media who were seeking to minimize what happened to you; to say you somehow provoked it by being there and questioned whether you should have put yourself in that situation. What do you say to them?  (5:27).

Ngo could not have agreed more:

Well these, these people who are raising questions on how I put myself at risk are usually the first to come out and say don't victim-blame. And they were also the first to come out and say that we should believe Jussie Smollett. So these people are just hypocrites. They say they care about marginalized communities. I guess I was the wrong type of victim to them. 

Cognitive dissonance 

In the interview Ngo also mentioned the Orwellian dissonance between Antifa's mission and their behavior. He experienced this starkly during the assault:

[T]here's so much sick irony in all of this because the protesters were chanting “no hate, no fear.” That's what I remember hearing and then all of a sudden something bashes me really hard on the back of the head.  And I've never been in fight; didn't even know what a punch was supposed to feel like. So before I could sort of even comprehend what had just happened, then all the punches kept coming in every direction. (4:21). [Emphases added].

He's not the only one who noticed that members of Antifa, short for anti-fascist, do not appear to be bothered by the actual violence that is a hallmark of fascism.

Tucker Carlson does not consider Antifa any less fascist in light of the fact that Antifa is not a government agency. Despots actually prefer to outsource their violence.

Antifa is the armed instrument of the . . . Democratic establishment in Washington. Their job is to mobilize when politically necessary. This is a new thing in the United States. But political militia are a common feature in third world politics. . . . In our country, only one party has them. The Democratic party.

Top down

Lest one think that the violence training and the actual violence are perpetrated by so called “lone wolves,” an Antifa organizer has been quoted calling for conflict, as reported in the Daily Press:

Antifa organizer Scott Crow told an interviewer: "The idea in Antifa is that we go where they [right-wingers] go. That hate speech is not free speech . . . And so we go to cause conflict, to shut them down where they are . . ." We are indebted to Mr. Crow for his candor. [Emphases added].

Taught wrong?

Leftist fascists? "But that's not what our social studies teacher taught us when he displayed the political spectrum," one might object upon hearing that Leftist Antifa members are actually fascists. They couldn't be more opposite according to that spectrum. 

A high school social studies teacher at a government school in Wisconsin, for example, posted this spectrum, with fascists described as “extreme right wing.”

While identifying the various political ideologies as belonging to a spectrum, government school teachers are actually creating a circle, in which one arrives at authoritarianism by going too far in either direction. What's lacking is an explanation of how an ideological journey from the totalitarianism of communism on the Left to the big government policies of progressives, to the small government policies of conservatives, to the minimalist government desired by libertarians, and beyond, brings us back to totalitarianism.

Logically, less government than even that tolerated by libertarians would lead to the anarchy of drivers setting their own speed limits, neighbors setting their own curfews for loud music and factory owners deciding what chemicals to run off into streams, a picture hardly in consonance with the specter of soldiers checking papers at street corners in a fascist state. 

Digital Media Specialist for the Indiana House Republican Campaign Committee Joe Bursley, therefore provides a history of the commonly used political spectrum, explaining that, “'Left vs. Right' finds its origin in the French Revolution, which should tell you right away it’s a mistake.”

He goes on to post an actual spectrum, ranging from dictatorship to anarchy, and ending at anarchy, rather than continuing in a circle.

Communist Antifa

How far Left are Antifa members? All the way. The New American reported on the overwhelming communist connections to the group:

Antifa actions, not only in the United States, but also in Canada, Europe, and elsewhere, are completely intertwined with well-known, longstanding communist parties and organizations. 

In the United States, Antifa groups are closely allied with notorious communist organizations such as the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), the Workers World Party (WWP), the Communist Party USA, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN), Anti-Racist Action, RefuseFascism.org, and the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) — all of which have been engaged in violent and revolutionary activities for decades, and which have long, sordid histories of exploiting class, ethnic, racial, and sexual distinctions to foment discord and social turmoil. 

Sometimes the proverbial “proof of the pudding” is found in a look at the prominent members and supporters of a group. The article continues:

Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers, SDS activist Clark Kissinger (now with the RCP), BAMN’s violent feminists Yvette Felarca and Shanta Driver, and RCP’s Carl Dix are but a few of the hardcore Reds actively aiding and participating in Antifa’s current “war” against America . . .

Antifa supporter [deceased] Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev, the inventor of the “white privilege” meme that has become dogma for all PC thinkers who toe the Party Line. “If you are a white male,” according to Ignatiev, a longtime member of the Communist Party USA, “you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world!

Sometimes the proof is seen when the group's violent members are arrested. The affiliation of the lawyers who defend them tell the story.

Whenever and wherever Antifa mobs engage in criminal activity, they know they can rely on lawyers from the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) to defend them should they be arrested. 

Nearly 100 years old, the NLG was formed in 1925 by the Soviet Comintern (Communist International) as the American branch of International Red Aid. In 1950, the U.S. House Committee on Un-American Activities issued a devastating study entitled Report on the National Lawyers Guild: Legal Bulwark of the Communist Party, thoroughly exposing the guild’s record as one of the most dangerous communist fronts. That still holds true. 

Radical NLG attorneys are active at virtually all major Antifa events, acting as “observers” and providing jailhouse legal aid to those arrested for criminal activities. Antifa websites and the websites of their partners — Black Lives Matter (BLM), BAMN, RCP, WWP, etc. — regularly note that NLG lawyers will be on hand to help out should they be arrested. When Antifa mobs disrupted President Trump’s inauguration — rioting, setting fires, and attacking inauguration attendees — NLG lawyers were among those arrested.

Fascist Communists

In a separate piece by The New American, “Identifying the Real Fascists,” a number of surprising facts are listed, each of which disabuse one of the notion that communism and fascism are incompatible:

  • In his early years, Benito Mussolini was a leading member of the Italian Socialist Party, which was composed of socialists and communists. His 1932 manifesto, The Doctrine of Fascism, co-authored with Giovanni Gentile, presented a statist, totalitarian philosophy completely compatible with communism: “Everything in the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State.”
  • The full name of Hitler’s Nazi Party, it should be remembered, was National Socialist German Workers Party, and like Mussolini, Hitler adopted the corporate socialist political-economic model. Hitler notably added a racist component to his model that was not part of Mussolini’s fascism.
  • Hitler’s Nazi “stormtroopers,” the street-fighting SA Brownshirts, were composed largely of “Beefsteak Nazis”: “Red (communist) on the inside, brown (Nazi) on the outside.” Many of these notorious communist thugs switched back and forth (from Communist Party, to Nazi Party, and back to Communist), largely indifferent to the minor ideological differences, serving whoever was in power.
  • The claim that the Nazis and communists are opposites simply because they fought each other in Germany is as specious as claiming that Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel and Los Zetas Cartel are opposites because these ultraviolent drug gangs are fighting each other. The same can be said for the competing families of the Italian Mafia, the Russian Mafiya, or similar crime syndicates. Like the communists and Nazis, they are merely competing criminals grasping for power.
  • Under the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, German fascist dictator Adolf Hitler and Soviet communist dictator Joseph Stalin carried out a joint Nazi-communist operation to carve up and brutally subject Poland. They saw no problem cooperating for mutual advantage, but like typical criminals, they inevitably ended up in a deadly struggle for power.
  • Communist anarchists, or anarcho-communists, such as Antifa have been throughout modern history the witting or unwitting agents of totalitarian fascism and communism. Unlike utopian/libertarian anarchists who just want to be left alone and philosophically embrace the idea of no government (a condition that has never existed in human society, except as brief transition periods to authoritarian or totalitarian regimes), the Red anarchists want to bring everything down in violence and chaos. Historically, the communists and fascists used them to destroy the existing government and usher in the Total State. Then, as we saw in Russia, Spain, Germany, and elsewhere, the communists rounded up the anarchists and executed them.
  • Following WWII, the Stasi, communist East Germany’s secret police, sponsored neo-Nazi groups in the West and repeatedly had its communist agents paint swastikas on synagogues and vandalize Jewish cemeteries. The purpose: create propaganda incidents that stir fears and “discredit from within,” giving credence to the Left’s claim that Germany was still unreformed and thoroughly permeated with Nazis. These disinformation-propaganda campaigns, which were especially notorious in the 1970s and ’80s, were occasionally exposed by defectors, or when perpetrators were caught in the act. However, the full extent of these “false flag” operations was not revealed until the Stasi files were opened after German reunification. Similarly, many high-profile “neo-Nazi” incidents in the U.K., Canada, and the United States have been exposed as false flag ops by communists and others on the Left (or by government agencies).

Same goal

At the end of the day, despite the subtle differences between the different communist and fascist groups, their goal remains one, with socialists and progressives also working to advance that goal:

If fascism has taken hold here in the United States of America to any degree (and it has), we can point not to conservative Republicans, but to that darling of “progressive” Democrats, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as its author. 

It was FDR’s liberal-left “Brain Trust” and its beloved “New Deal” that initiated Mussolini’s full-tilt, command-and-control central planning in our country . . . FDR’s “Brain Trust” was composed of collectivists of various ideologies — fascist, socialist, and communist — who were all afire with zeal to “transform” and “restructure” America. Even Adolf Hitler, who had just been installed as chancellor of Germany a month before Roosevelt’s inauguration, was in vogue with many “liberals” and “progressives.”

“Liberal,” “progressive” Democrats — often aided by Republicans — have been adding to the Roosevelt-Mussolini edifice ever since, with one program, bureau, agency, and regulation after another — all leading toward their fascist idol — the Total State.

In advancing that goal, Antifa plays the role of maligning anyone who opposes “progress” toward the "Total State."

Since Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini are universally regarded as the supreme villains of modern times (if not all of world history), the chief tactic of the Left — communists, socialists, and “progressive” Democrats — since World War II has been to avoid substantive debate on real issues by accusing their opponents of being racist and/or fascist . . .

One of the most egregious lies perpetuated by the Antifa apologists concerns the political spectrum. Specifically, it involves the false — but widely accepted — dichotomy that designates socialists, communists, and anarchists as “left-wing,” while characterizing Nazis and fascists as “right-wing.” And since the “mainstream” media rarely miss an opportunity to affix the “right-wing” label to conservatives — and invariably in the most pejorative sense possible — this current narrative reinforces the longstanding disinformation campaign to delegitimize conservatives and “the Right” by associating them with racism, Nazism, and fascism.

If they both quack like a duck …

In sum, then, Hitler's National Socialist party, albeit with a nationalist component absent in communism, is every bit as Leftist as the Soviet communists with whom he once partnered. According to The New American:

Although “totalitarian” today carries a negative connotation (as it should), when Mussolini and Gentile coined the term, they viewed it as completely positive. “Fascism, is totalitarian, and the Fascist State … interprets, develops, and potentates the whole life of a people.” Since both communism and fascism are totalitarian by definition (total government control of everything), it is ludicrous to put them on opposite ends of a political spectrum; they both belong on the left end of the spectrum, while on the right end would be utopian anarchism (no government) and, in-between, limited government.